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Who says student loans have to be your new normal?

It’s easy to sweep your student loans under the rug after spending hours trying to figure out how you can accelerate repayment while still enjoying life.

You’re not alone.

Countless Black women are dreaming of how life could be if their 5 or 6-figure student loan debt disappeared.
Maybe you’ve gone from excitement about getting ahead of your payments, only to end up giving up after biting off more than you can chew.
OR You’re completely overwhelmed, trying to narrow down the BEST repayment options for yourself. Instead of settling on the right option, you pay the minimum, say a prayer, and hope your mountain of debt gets smaller, sooner rather than later.
No worries! The Frugal Feminista’s 5-Day Slay Sallie Mae Challenge was created to help you fearlessly slash every cent of your student loan debt.

The 5-Day Slay Sallie Mae Challenge is for you, if accelerating your student loan payoff is at the top of your financial wellness checklist.

For 5 days straight, you will receive a morning and afternoon email that includes daily lifework, aka “financial wellness tasks,” midday motivation articles, video teachings, and bonus lifework to guide your financial journey. Don’t be surprised. You’ll be getting a total of 10 emails for this challenge that will help you:

Identify the money blocks keeping you from taking control over your money life and keeping you from living your best life

Free up money in your budget to attack your student loans on a weekly and monthly basis​

Get clear about how to incorporate a Power to Slay Mentality into your finances as well as your life

Protect your credit score and credit history with online tools

Determine how to kill interest on your loans in a systematic way

Commit to slaying all consumer debt from your life so you accelerate your student loan repayment

What Others Are Saying about Kara’s Unique System for Accelerating Student Loan Repayment

Loved the community and accountability. The experience definitely heightened my awareness and confidence.

Britni L

I am no longer fearful nor embarrassed by my student loan debt. I am happy to have met people who experienced the same fears and I am now part of a slaying sisterhood where we all win.

Tiffany D.

I'm pleasantly surprised at how valuable and productive the program has been for my mind, money and emotions. For example, there Day 2 retirement breakdown was eye-opening. Then, the day 3 video about different ways to sell/market oneself with resources were huge game changers. Kara’s willing openness was refreshing. If I applied everything in this $197 course, I’d make over $1 Million - other programs do not deliver so much in so little time.

Zane G.

Do whatever you have to do to get the 5-Day Slay Sallie Mae Challenge. Kara’s knowledge not only helps you create a new perspective on your student loans repayment, but also to take care of other important aspects of your life, such as retirement and how to create wealth. You won’t regret investing on it

Reina K.

I'm more motivated to pay this off. Thinking about how I can get more funds to get this paid off faster without taking too much away from retirement savings.

Alexis R.

I've gone through and started to make payments to other important parts of my debt as well. I've started a side gig that can assist me with putting more money to the side to assist with putting money to the side for my student loans.

Laquelle M.


Kadidja now has clarity and has found extra money to accelerate her student loan payments (without deprivation).


Preye has killed off high-interest credit card debt as part of her student loan strategy AND her credit score has soared.

And There is More...​

Free Gift

As a free gift, when you sign up for this challenge, you will gain instant access to the award-winning Frugal Feminista newsletter, which loads you with inspiration and information to help you in your journey toward becoming happy, wealthy, and brave. As a new member of The Frugal Feminista tribe, you’ll receive sneak peeps, behind-the-scene updates, and the inside scoop on other courses and offers that might interested you.

Free Support and Accountability

Make financial success your only option. Use the supportive, love, and accountability of women in The Frugal Feminista to cheer you on to the bank. In our exclusive 5-Day Slay Sallie Mae group, you can share your progress, deepen your financial knowledge, and connect with financially serious women from ALL OVER the World.

Frequently Answered Questions

To ensure that you get the most out the 5-Day Slay Sallie Mae Challenge, pay close attention to these FAQs. 

I don’t have Sallie Mae loans. Can I still join?
Absolutely! If you have private and/or federal loans, this challenge is for you.
When does the challenge start and end?
The challenge begins one day after you sign up.
What time will I get my first email?
Your first email arrives every morning at 7 am EST.
When will I get my second email?
Your second email will be in your inbox every afternoon at 1 pm EST.
Which email should I use for the challenge?
Please use the email that you signed up for the challenge with.
Who do I email if I have questions about tech issues?
Send your questions about tech issues during the challenge to hello@thefrugalfeminista.com. Please allow 24 hours for a response.
Is this challenge refundable?
This challenge is nonrefundable because it’s an email challenge. All sales are final.
Will I need a Facebook account for this challenge?
Yes. Your afternoon video trainings are housed in our private FB group. It’s highly recommended that you have a Facebook account so you can engage in daily discussion, show your receipts, and access the mid-day inspiration articles.
What’s your favorite self-care ritual?
(Ok, you didn’t ask, but I’ma share anyway, lol). Daily or weekly facial scrubs, lattes at cafe with my journal (pre-COVID), and aimless walks in the City on a Saturday afternoon.

P.S. This challenge starts the day after you sign up. Check your spam, clutter, or junk mail folders and whitelist The Frugal Feminista, to make sure you don’t miss emails for the challenge. Be sure to join our private Facebook group in your onboarding email.

Meet Kara Stevens

Hi! I’m Kara, founder of The Frugal Feminista, which was created from a deep place of love, advocacy, and joy that comes from understanding the brilliance and beauty of black women; and knowing the role that money can play in helping them live life on their own terms.