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Check Your Email Now. You should have received the ACCESS email to the Fix My Finances Fast Challenge. Check your spam folder if you didn’t.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ font_font=”Palatino” font_color=”%23575757″ bottom_padding=”0″ bottom_margin=”0″]Hey Lady!

I am so glad that you made the decision to get right and tight with your finances once and for all by joining the Fix My Finances Fast Challenge!

Kudos to you.

As you embark on this 5-day savings journey, I want to offer you some tools and reflective workbooks to keep you financially focused at a DEEEP discount as a “thank you” for joining my Frugal Feminista family.

To keep you inspired and informed so you can walk (and eventually run) your way to that life of financial freedom without giving up.

I want to offer you three of my most popular ebooks

Instead of paying almost $20 for 3 ebooks, you’ll only have to pay $ 9.99 for all of them.


                                 OWN IT NOW 

Here they are:

  • 32 Questions to Move Your Money Mindset from Flawed to Flawless (Wealth really begins in the mind not in your wallet. If you are wondering why you jump in and out of debt, why you are living from paycheck to paycheck, and why you feel a kinda way when you can’t buy what you want when you want it, then you to do ALL of the exercises in this ebook…like yesterday.)




Yes, Girl…membership does have its privileges.

But this is only if you decide to make that #bossmove and take advantage of this offer right now.

Once you close this page, you will be paying twice as much for the same ebooks on the site. (And from my math, that’s not a smart Frugal Feminista move).

I promise these ebooks will to get you focused and encouraged about financial abundance and confidence as you move through this 5-Day Fix My Finances Fast Challenge.

Get them now; you’ll feel the difference in your finances.


Talk soon and see you on site.

Be happy. Be wealthy. Be brave.


Kara Stevens[/text_block]