Learn the Step-by-Step Process to Blog Your Way to $1K Every Month
Without Having to Work for Someone Else, Without Exchanging Time for Pay and Without Shelling Out Tons of Start-up Money
In this 75 minute training, you will learn how to…
- Use the secrets of successful bloggers
- Build your first 100 email subscribers with less than $50
- Find 15 hours a week to work on your blog
- Turn your “hobby” into a profitable business
- You love your full-time job but realize you can’t reach your financial goals on that salary. #realtalk
- You aren’t completely “sold” on the Steve Jobs “follow your bliss because nothing else matters” jazz (because you know bills also matter).
- You are barely making ends meet with what you currently earn and really NEED extra money for your emergency fund, retirement, or to pay off debt.
- Your work schedule is too tight for you to take on a part-time job that pays peanuts and requires more energy than it’s worth.
- You want to bring in some steady extra income from the privacy and comfort of your home.
- You like your steady paycheck but have always wanted to have a side business of your own and think blogging is the way to go.
- You want to minimize the risks of starting an online business by taking it slow and steady as a part-time blogger.
Then join me on Sunday, September 25thth, 2016 5pm EST for
Make $1K a Month as Part-time Blogger, Full-time Worker Webinar
In my 75-minute webinar, I will share:
- The truth and bust the myths about traffic as it relates to making money every month
- My major time hack and where to find 15 hours a week to work on your blog that don’t interfere with your 9-5
- My Frugal Feminista Bucket System for Blogging Productivity aka What I Can’t Do “To-Do” List
- My top four streams of income generated from blogging and the pros and cons of each
- How to build your first 100 email subscribers with less than $50
- What FREE tech tools I use to build my brand and bring income in every month.
- Why email is “king” and social media is “queen” when it comes to making money monthly from your blog
- My top secrets to landing paid writing opportunities with publications like Ebony.com, The Root, Madame Noire, and Centsai with NO connections and NO contacts.
- The Weekend Blogger Starter System: The bare-bones financial must-haves for a blogger that will get you up and running in a weekend
- How to Handle Part-time Blogger, Full-time Worker Burnout (because it will come…often).
The “Behind the Scenes” of The Frugal Feminista
I started blogging because I love writing, money, brown girls, and wanted to create an online community that I wanted to see.
The thing is that I still enjoyed my 9-5 and wasn’t quite sold on the idea of jumping in the water without a safety net.
For a while, I thought that I was a punk for not quitting my job cold turkey to pursue my passion.
But after some soul-searching and a lot of advice from mentors, I soon realized four things:
- My full-time job was going to fund my passion until my passion could fund itself
- I loved the security of bi-monthly checks, the excitement and potential of entrepreneurship and that with time, I could have both.
- Businesses fail and fold prematurely because they don’t have enough seed money to sustain them through market ups and downs.
- Black women pursue entrepreneurship at six times the national average but make on average the LOWEST profit gains– $47,000 annually to be exact.
I realized that I wasn’t a sucka, I was smart. My one, one, full basket approach to part-time entrepreneurship and full-time employment will take me to the land of milk and honey, for sure.
The Frugal Feminista has been around for nearly three years. After the first year, I have easily been able to clear at least $1K a month in revenue
My blog has created at least four streams of income for me and NONE of them require me:
to clock-in at anybody’s office
check-in with anybody’s boss
or be stifled by anybody’s pay ceiling.
None of them.
The Frugal Feminista has brought out the financial freedom fighter in me and I want to be able to share my secrets with you.
In the words of Beyoncé, I’m a grown woman.
If you want to bring $1K into your life on a monthly basis, let me help you.[/text_block]
PLUS, The first 20 women to invest in the Make $1k a Month as Part-time Blogger, Full-time Worker webinar will receive:
Bonus #1
15-minute one-on-one clarity call which will be recorded and sent for you to use as a lifetime reference. (value: $500)
Bonus #2
Access to a private FB community for 30 days to support your blog development (value: priceless)
Bonus #3
Beginner blogger guide that helped me get focused when I just started out. It’s an oldie, but goodie! (value: priceless)
About Your Mentor
Kara Stevens is a life coach, writer, speaker and founder The Frugal Feminista.com, an online home that helps women all over the world radically transform their lives through financial empowerment and personal development. She provides high-level support through coaching, mentoring, speaking, and training women who want to be happy, wealthy, and brave.
Kara loves all things theatre, writing, and powerful art. She is a down-low homebody and loves a good nap. She spends a lot of her free time daydreaming, yuckin’ it up with her girlfriends, and figuring out how to take over the world.
Still Have Questions?
Contact: kara@thefrugalfeminista.com[/text_block]