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Wealthy Woman’s Blueprint – One Time Offer

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Your order was successful. Congratulations on taking the next steps to your financial future! To help you get there faster we’re extending a special one time offer just for you.

Upgrade to the full Wealthy Woman’s Blueprint for just $150! You’ll get the remaining 4 modules plus access to my special group coaching calls if you take action NOW!


Here’s EXACTLY What You Are Going to Learn Inside the Wealthy Woman’s Blueprint – a Five Part Video Based Training System.

  • Module #1: How to Aggressively Demolish Your Student Loan Debt So You Can Move On with Your Juicy Life [Value: $150]

    In a little over two years, I paid off my second graduate school student loan which was a whooping $40K.

    Before that, I found my way from the bottom of $25K of undergraduate debt, my first masters, and stupid credit card debt.

    In this module, I share with you the GEMS system—the financial framework that kept me informed about my student loans (Translation: what I had to pay and what I didn’t)

    So you could do the same. In this module, you’ll learn:

    – How to apply my proven GEMS System of Student Loan Repayment to aggressively pay down both your private AND federal loans.

    – Why paying your student loans now is better than paying them later.

    – What you need to know about the pros and cons of consolidation.

    – Why refinancing may or may not be the right move for you.

    – How choose the repayment option that works best for your budget.

  • Module #2: Build Your $1K Emergency Fund in Three Months Without Thinking or Missing the Money [Value: $150]

    Are you ready to stop procrastinating and overcome self-sabotage so you can actualize your dreams of financial freedom and juicy living and finally build an emergency fund that will keep you safe and secure.

    If you answered yes, then you are ready to receive the lessons in this module.

    In this bonus module, you’ll learn:

    – The money mindset that has helped me, a daughter of a single-parent immigrant, save at least 20% of her income year in and year out.

    – The surprising truth about how much you need in your emergency fund to feel like a grown woman.

    – 5 Reasons why it is OK and necessary to be self(ish) if you ever expect to reach your financial destiny.

    – How to use the MIT approach to increase your savings

    – 3 online banks that will force you to save without you feeling the pinch.

  • Module #3: How to Budget Like a Boss [Value: $150]

    When you get to my age (35), weird things become sexy… like budgets. Yes, budgets have such an allure for me. Despite what the haters say, budgets don’t deprive. Budgets don’t deny. Budgets help you indulge. They help you ignite your passions and thicken and round up those savings account.

    In this module, you’ll discover:

    – How to build a budget makes you feel like a grown woman

    -Why the numbers 50/30/20 or 70/15/15 will be your best budget friends.

    – How to save without sacrificing style or your freedom.

    – The money moves and the specific tools (online banks and structures) to help you overcome any initial fear of getting right with your money.

  • Module #4: How to Demolish Debt Like a Grown Woman & Still Maintain Your Lifestyle [Value: $150]

    Debt is a four-letter dirty word for a reason. Debt is the Devil that many us unwittingly invited into our homes, souls, and wallets.

    In this module, you’ll master:

    – My proven straightforward and on-target systems.

    – How to use my proven Debt Domino Plan to eliminate your debt effectively and efficiently. – What you should say to debt collectors to make them go away.

    – Why there is no such thing as good or bad debt.

    – What money and emotional structures you need to conquer your credit card debt demons for good.

    – The Four I’s that lead us into spending temptation and how you can protect your credit and your financial future from them.

  • Module #5: Retirement 101: Retire Right & Ready [Value: $150]

    There’s a saying that you don’t want to be a statement of your life’s financial work: “Old fools were once young fools.”

    If you don’t start thinking about your future NOW, your future self will be living out of a box and eating pork hot dogs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

    In this module, you’ll get super pumped about learning:

    – What your “magic number” for retirement is.

    – What your options are for helping you reach the retirement finish line with ease.

    – What you can do as a young professional to avoid “The Struggle” retirement.

    – What you can do as a mature professional to play catch-up.

    – What you should know about IRAs and retirement plans whether you work for a company or are your own boss.



  • THREE MONTHS of the Wealthy Woman’s Blueprint Group Coaching Collective [Value $600]

    I’m going to give you direct access to three month’s worth the Wealthy Woman’s Blueprint Group Coaching Collective. In our 45-minute group calls, we will tackle any questions you will have about transforming your financial life: -Your budgeting questions -Your debt repayment issues -Your retirement reflections -Your student loan drama -Your actions steps for being an entrepreneur


14-Day Money Back Guarantee

If you’re not satisfied for any reason, just let us know and we’ll refund your investment. We know that if you use this information it will change your life so we stand firm behind our products!



Get Instant Access Now



  • q-iconHow does the Wealthy Woman’s Blueprint program work?

    This is a self-paced online course, held VIRTUALLY. All you need is an internet connection to access the training modules and download the course materials! As soon as you complete your registration, you will receive a welcome email with a link to get immediate access to your courses.

  • q-iconI’ve never invested in myself like this before. Is the program really worth it?

    Well, what I can share with you is that in my life and business, I judge any potential investment by the goals that I’ll be able to accomplish because of it.

    What would it be worth to you to finally start making progress on the big dreams you have for your life? For me, that’s priceless! When you do the math to add up all the value you will receive from participating in this program (including all of the bonuses and support) you end up with an experience that’s worth well over $1,800.

    But because I want to make the training accessible for as many women as possible, this online program is an unbelievably affordable investment with all of the extra modules, the coaching calls, and the one-on-one coaching.

    Of course, I can’t tell you how to decide, but what I will tell you is that when I began to invest in myself at a high level, my life changed forever as a result. There’s something incredibly powerful that happens when you pay money for something – it pushes you to actually do the work 🙂

    I’ve made it so incredibly easy for you to join this course because I KNOW how powerful it will be for you to participate fully and with an open heart. With the 14-day money back guarantee, now all you have to do is SAY yes to the possibility of your own financial success. We’re waiting for you!




Drop me an email at: kara@thefrugalfeminista.com

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