10 Ways to Make More Money During the Holidays


The holidays are a time of fun and family, but the gift giving aspect can also make this time expensive. One of the main concerns individuals have around holiday time is not having enough money. If you haven’t already saved up to take care of the extra expenses then you may find yourself short of cash. You may need additional income in order to get everything done without going into debt. On my site, I share 23 side hustles for extra income, but there are also several ways to make money during the holidays.

1) Hang decorations. Offer to hang holiday lights and decorations for others. It can be a hassle to pull out the stored decorations, sort through them and put them in place. Some people will pay you to do this for them. If you already have a ladder and the other necessary tools then this may be a great option.

2) Do gift-wrapping. Many gift wrapping jobs open up during the holidays. Even stores that don’t normally offer gift wrapping create a counter for this during the holiday season. Check your area to see which stores are offering positions. There are full-time and part-time positions.

3) Sell your crafts. Do you crochet or knit? You could sell your creations on sites such as Etsy, let family and friends know to spread the word, utilize social media and post pictures. The knitted and crocheted garment and accessories craze hasn’t ended. Cash in on it to make a little extra money during the holidays.

4) Sell your photos. Many individuals take up photography as a hobby because they like it and it’s fun. If that’s you and you’ve got high quality photos, you could sell them to stock agencies, such as istockphoto, microstockphoto etc. You can get a few cents to close to $30 or more per photo that is accepted. Look through the agency’s payment and royalty policies.

5) Deliver packages. There is a high increase in the volume of packages sent during the holidays. Companies such as UPS and Amazon may need seasonal workers in their fulfillment centers. For example here is Amazon’s call for seasonal associates in their fulfillment centers.

6) Get a retail position. Many retail stores hire seasonal workers to handle the rush of customers that will pass through their stores during the holidays. There are part-time and full-time positions available. Even working a full-time job and adding this as a part-time you’ll be able to find something that works with your schedule.

7) Cater holiday parties. The number of parties occurring during the holidays also spikes. Catering companies are hiring seasonal workers to handle the high volume of parties. If you’re a licensed bartender you’re even more valuable. Look for catering staffing companies in your area.

8) Tutor students. Although many take a break from tutoring during the holidays,  there will still be the individuals and parents who want to end the semester right and may need a little help. There are also the college students who take advantage of the long break between semesters to prepare for the upcoming semester or study for standardized tests such as the GRE, LSAT, MCAT etc.

9) Use your car. Companies are looking to advertise using every method possible in order to get people to purchase their products and services. They will pay you to allow them to wrap your car with their advertisement. Pick a company that you believe in that offers such opportunities. Be sure to check the policies regarding length of time you must carry the advertisement, number of miles you must drive and the payment terms. You can make $500 or more per month.

10) Shovel snow. This is an old one, but a good one. Depending on where you live, you know is coming or it’s already here. If you have a snowblower or shovel and are healthy enough to be outside clearing snow then this may be a great way to make money during the holidays.

Be creative and get a little extra cash when it may be sorely needed. Have you tried or going to try any of these methods? I would love to hear about it.

[info_box type=”alert_box”]Saving your money and budgeting correctly are two of the foundational tasks needed to take control of your finances.  If you need additional support, I invite you to check out my budgeting course and my savings course. [/info_box]

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