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30 Weird and Awesome things That You May or May Not Know About Me

Last week, I turned the big 3-5 and it was one of the best and most chill birthdays of my life. I took two days off. The day of my birthday and the day after my birthday. I stayed home rubbed my belly and counted all my many simple and magic blessings.

Since you have been “ride and die” with me, I wanted to open up to you guys and share a few things that you may not know about me. So, here are 30 weird and awesome things that you may or may not know about your girl, the 35-year old Frugal Feminista.

  1. I have two brothers, one of which is half-Mexican. (long story.)
  2. I hate driving on the highway.
  3. I don’t have a favorite color, but I do love magenta and plum.
  4. I use an electric toothbrush.
  5. I am obsessed with reading self-help books and anything by my muse Jamaica Kincaid.
  6. I am a one-woman movement to eliminate the phrase “Strong Black Woman” from everyone’s lexicon.
  7. If you have nice stationery and nice pens, I am more than likely going to steal them from you. So either gift them or hide them.
  8. I must write, annotate, and mark-up my books so that is why I still buy books instead of ebooks.
  9. I keep a gratitude journal that I often neglect to update on a regular basis.
  10. I used to have two rows of teeth when I was growing up. (Think a mini-shark.)
  11. I love my mom. She is pretty badass.
  12. My go-to outfit is something that is tight (not stank) and accentuates my booty, usually sheath dresses or jeans.
  13. My favorite part of my body is my waist. My favorite part of my face is…the whole thing.
  14. If I weren’t an educator, I would be a full-time writer or therapist.
  15. Before I was thirty, I lived in the Dominican Republic and Ghana.
  16. I speak a great deal of Spanish—I mean almost fluent.
  17. I ran my first half marathon in Panama.
  18. I love my husband and he insists that I never mention him on the blog…I mean, ever.
  19. I can be very shy when speaking about myself although I am quite outspoken on issues of identity, consumerism, individuality, and black women.
  20. I sprained my ankle at least three times when I was in fifth grade.
  21. I am a good double-dutch turner, but I still can’t do pop-ups or “around the worlds.”
  22. This blog has been such a blessing— I get to create a tribe for quiet, thoughtful women of color that want to get their money right in a way that is not stuffy and boring.
  23. I am a fake vegan. At least once a week, I fall off the vegan wagon, but one day I am going to get it right.
  24. I pay attention to my dreams. I think there is power in them.
  25. I love getting hugs and giving hugs.
  26. Here are three of my childhood crushes: Busta Rhymes, Andre 3000, Richard Gere, and Ice Cube.
  27. I shaved off all of my hair (against my mother’s wishes) two times: once when I was nineteen and the second time when I was twenty and living in Ghana.
  28. After I graduated college, I could not find a full-time job, but had at least 3 part-time job.
  29. & 30.  And finally, you know that I love to save and talk about saving money.

So what about you ladies? Do we have anything in common? What are some awesome and weird facts about ya’ll? I would love to know! Leave them in the comment section. 🙂

Author Bio

Kara Stevens, founder of The Frugal Feminista, is the bestselling author of Heal Your Relationship with Money and two transformative books in her financial self-care series. A leading voice in financial wellness, Kara empowers women of color to heal financial trauma, build lasting wealth, and embrace abundance with confidence. Her work has been featured by Time, Forbes, and The Washington Post, inspiring women worldwide to rewrite their money stories. Follow Kara on LinkedIn and Instagram.

Heal Your Relationship With Money

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