5 Frugal Ways to Enhance Your Social Media Marketing Strategy


Estimates suggest that there are over 400 million active blogs online in the English language alone, and more than 42 million Facebook fan pages . So many of us are taking to social media as a form of communication to share online diaries, our expert opinions or for personal or professional brand promotion. With so many players on the field, it is becoming increasing difficult to stand out and to grab the attention of an audience that is already inundated. It can seem that the quickest and easiest way to get noticed might be to purchase an ad or to even buy followers and likes.  But, just as has always been, quality is king. Virtual word of mouth advertising is the best kind of exposure for your blog and your entire social media platform.  The following are 5 key strategies you need to be employing in your social media planning to ensure a quality experience, which is sure to engage a growing audience.

 1: Have Engaging Material

It may seem to go without saying that you need to have good, quality content that will appeal to your target audience.  But your goal should also be to actively reach out and engage in an exchange with your audience.  Share your influences, encourage comments and feedback, ask for opinions. This type of engagement not only brings the reader in as active participant and part of the experience, but  are fan-friendly tactics that allow people to feel as if they know you.

 2: Remember You Must Engage As Well

People want to engage with you, but it is imperative that you engage them back. Make sure you dedicate time daily to respond to comments and questions. When you respond to people directly, you’re treating them with respect, while simultaneously showing that your brand has a persona. .

 3: Be Transparent

Let people know who you are and what your brand is about. Be upfront in your goals, whether you are selling something or just looking to spark interesting conversation. Being clear and transparent allows people to actually know about your brand rather than knowing of it which  can make or break brand loyalty in social media.

 4: Be a Participant  in the Experience

Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn all have different groups, events and other social platforms that you should join to enhance the personality of your online presence.  You don’t need to worry about constantly posting and being an active participant in the groups  that you join. But your presence there will contribute to a more rounded persona for your blog or page. Your fans will appreciate your willingness to network in a social atmosphere. And other thought leaders and influencers will have a better chance of finding you if you are there.

And last but certainly not least,

5: Have a Solid Identity

Aim to always speak with one consistent voice. Fans and followers appreciate a well thought out social media marketing plan that presents the blog or business as if an actual person is operating it, not as if there’s a robot just  regurgitating material. Be unique and fresh, but also informed and knowledgeable about what your brand represents. And don’t forget to give your online presence a life of it’s own, be personable. After all, it is people that you are seeking to engage with.

 If you have a successful blog or online business, what strategies have worked best for you?



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