7 Inexpensive Self-Care Tips When Dealing with Stressful Finances
My girl, Tonya from My Fab Finance,  is here with some MUCH needed tips on how to show ourselves some self-love when on a strict budget. Enjoy. –by Tonya Rapley. Financial stresses not only affect your well-being, they can negatively affect relationships, job performance, and pretty much rule your life if you let them. When coupled with the demands of everyday life it can feel like there are innumerable obstacles standing in the way of your financial goals.Although critical, it can be difficult to maintain a positive outlook. A healthy financial journey doesn’t consist of deprivation just like a healthy diet doesn’t consist of starvation. It’s extremely important to practice self-care when working towards your financial goals.

Be patient with yourself- Remember that all great achievements take time. You didn’t dig yourself into this hole overnight and most likely you won’t get out of it overnight. Patience is a virtue and not only should you practice it with others, but you should extend yourself a little compassion.

Return to or discover inexpensive hobbies- Whether it’s jogging, knitting, writing, or gardening– hobbies provide a mental escape from our worries. Allow yourself to be in a mental state that is free of worry. Just be careful not to take up an expensive hobby such as shopping or one that requires you to buy a lot of costly equipment such as knitting, scrapbooking, fishing, or snowboarding.

Be proud of your victories no matter how small- Big victories are often just a sequence of small victories strung together. Don’t downplay your awesomeness. Allow yourself to brag a bit and celebrate even the smallest of victories

Have friends over for a potluck- Socializing is good for the soul and enjoying the company of well-meaning friends doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Consider having a night in or a viewing party at your place and invite everyone to bring a dish or beverage. You get to sample different dishes and the event cost is distributed so that one person doesn’t end up spending a significant amount of money. [Tweet “Stressing about your finances? Here are 7 Inexpensive Self-Care Tips to help you cope.”]

Get into a fiction book – Did you know that the Kindle app has free books daily? Whether you take a trip to the library, borrow a book from a friend, or download a free or inexpensive book to your Kindle, reading is truly fundamental. Not only does it boost your memory, improve your analytical skills, and provide mental stimulation; reading is a source of entertainment that enables the reader to escape their reality. Stay away from finance-related non-fiction and indulge yourself in an adventure.

Volunteer– We all like to feel useful from time to time. What better way to satisfy this need than serving others who are less fortunate than you? Volunteering reminds you just how useful you are and depending on the volunteer position, it can provide insight into your situation. You can learn new skills, meet new people, and most likely realize that your situation could be worse.

So take a breath, relax, and give yourself permission to focus on your well-being. Inexpensively of course.

[info_box type=”alert_box”]If you’re waiting for a sign that it’s time to make a change, consider this it. ​Money Therapy​ may be just what you need to break through your financial blocks and release your money guilt and shame.[/info_box]

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