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Here’s What’s Really Keeping You from Walking in Favor and Financial Freedom

Saying that you want something and actually doing the work to get it are two different things. We all know that. But sometimes I don’t think we fully understand why we don’t walk in the direction of our dreams.

Well, I know from my experience, what keeps me from taking a leap, following up, or taking initiative in any area of my life that I want to see improvement is fear. And fear is rooted in my mindset.

But the fear shows up all dressed up in thoughts of “concern” and voices of “reason.” Can you relate? So, when you create a big, juicy scary dream, your Inner Critic says, “Well, aren’t you a bit too old for that?” When you dream of living a location independent-lifestyle, your Inner Bully may say, “Girl, please. Brown girls don’t do that. Just sip your tea and get back into that cubicle because ain’t nobody trying to hear all of that.”

I know for me, two of my biggest limited beliefs (which what fear is) was that I could NEVER, EVER write and finish a book and that I could never become a self-made millionaire. For a long time in my mind, I had this fear that I was an impostor, that it was only luck that ever made me success, that I didn’t have the talent, the drive, or the intelligence to start and finish a book or the discipline to make my millions like Madame C.J. Walker.

But as of last night, I finished the second draft of my book about love, money, and men, which I am stoked about and can’t wait to share with you in the near future. (Woohoo!) And for at least three years now, I have been debt free and on the road to financial freedom, little by little like a chicken that drinks water.

As I strive to succeed, I know that if I don’t address the lies of the Inner Judge or Inner Hater, my road to happiness and success will always be a bittersweet one.

The dreams that you and I both have have to be protected…from ourselves, especially if our mindset has not expanded to accommodate or acknowledge our greatness.

Earlier this month, I found a workshop called “Manifest Money Instantly-7 Foolproof Ways to Become a Money Manifesting Machine,” facilitated by a brown girl hypnotist and business owner, Selena D. Valentine. (Back in 2012, I went to Selena for a few sessions to work on my relationship with goal-setting and she used guided meditation to help me overcome some of my blocks.)

When I saw this workshop, I knew that I had to attend because the dreams that I have in store for myself is going to require that I elevate my thinking about my self-concept, my inner courage, and my ability to overcome internal obstacles.  If you are in NYC this Saturday, March 28th from 12-5pm, you should come. I will definitely be there trying to break through these damn mental blocks.

I know it is a journey, but with all of the dreams that I have, I don’t need any dragons in my way. So, this five hour workshop is going to give me the mental and emotional tools to start slaying.

If you are interested in finding out more about the workshop, click here for all of the registration information.

Frugal Feministas– What is your Inner Critic saying about you? More importantly, what are you saying back?

If this post really resonated with you and you want to transform how you feel and think about money so you can live your best life, consider money therapy.   

*In exchange for sharing information about Selena’s workshop, I receive a complimentary ticket. 

Author Bio

Kara Stevens, founder of The Frugal Feminista, is the bestselling author of Heal Your Relationship with Money and two transformative books in her financial self-care series. A leading voice in financial wellness, Kara empowers women of color to heal financial trauma, build lasting wealth, and embrace abundance with confidence. Her work has been featured by Time, Forbes, and The Washington Post, inspiring women worldwide to rewrite their money stories. Follow Kara on LinkedIn and Instagram.

Heal Your Relationship With Money

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