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Increase Your Credit Score By Simply Paying Your Rent

15Did you know that the highest expense for most consumers is their “Living Expense.” For some consumers, its the mortgage payment, but for most consumers, its their rent payments. In some states, over 72% of the population live in rental properties. Even with most consumers paying monthly rent to live in an apartment, condo, or etc, the problem is that those monthly rent payments are not a part of their credit report……..until now.


If your landlord or condo association is not apart of “Rent Track”, then its time to get them updated….ASAP! Unlike auto loans, student loans, or credit cards, rent payments DO NOT show up on your credit report. Why you ask? Rental Agreements are not loans or instituted by banks/lenders. This means that since you are not borrowing money and paying it back, there is no one expecting to see or report these payments. This is where the landlord or association comes in. Rent Track’s system is simple and easy for everyone to use, understand, and benefit from. Here are a few reasons why you should be a part of the movement.
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1. Every time you make a payment for rent to your landlord, you it will show on your credit report as an on time payment. Since 35% of what makes your credit score comes from payment history, your credit score will increase and will continue to sky rocket!

2. Rent Track gives the renter the opportunity to pay online and for your landlord to have direct deposit! This means you can pay your rent from your phone or computer like any other bill.

3. Most younger renters are in the process of building and establishing their credit scores. With Rent Track, this will show future lenders that you can pay large amounts on time and on a monthly basis. Imagine what 12, 24, 36, or 48 on time monthly payments can do to your credit score.

The Bottom Line
Now you know what Rent Track is and how it can help you increase or establish credit history. This platform is not the only one out there, but this company has been featured on many of the major news outlets and publications. For more info on Rent Track, Click Here. 
Calvin Russell Jr is a Certified FICO Professional and the CEO & Founder of Simply Professional Credit Consultation. SP Credit Consultation has helped hundreds of people increase their credit scores, qualify for homes, cars, and lower interest rates with their personal, Step-By- Step Action Plans. Contact us today to learn more or email us at info@gosimplypro.com.
Visit Simply Professional Credit Consultation Online at http://www.gosimplypro.com
Twitter: @gosimplypro
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Author Bio

Kara Stevens, founder of The Frugal Feminista, is the bestselling author of Heal Your Relationship with Money and two transformative books in her financial self-care series. A leading voice in financial wellness, Kara empowers women of color to heal financial trauma, build lasting wealth, and embrace abundance with confidence. Her work has been featured by Time, Forbes, and The Washington Post, inspiring women worldwide to rewrite their money stories. Follow Kara on LinkedIn and Instagram.

Heal Your Relationship With Money

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