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Meet DreamGirl: Tia T. Gordon, Founder of TTG+Partners (aka the Olivia Pope of higher education)

Tia is like the Olivia Pope for the world of higher education. She cleans up big messes. I reached out to her a few months ago to find out exactly what she did and I was amazed that she so seamlessly integrated her passion for communications, people of color, entrepreneurship, and community empowerment into one.

I learned a lot from her and so will you.


What do you do and why is it important?

I am the founder and CEO of TTG+PARTNERS, a creative communications consultancy in higher education specializing in starting thoughtful conversations on race, ethnicity, and diversity. It’s important to do this work because it allows me to give a “voice to the voiceless”—ultimately helping to empower traditionally underserved populations.

Tia T Gordon-TTG+Partners (Beige Jacket)

 What advice would you give to your 20 year-old self?

It’s so cliché, but I would tell my 20 year-old self not to sweat the small stuff. What will be already is.

What are three things that you know for sure?*

One. Have faith in yourself—even when no one else does or even understands.

Two. Be bold and fearless to live out the greatness that’s ALREADY inside of you.

 Three. Tap into your unique gifts and talents—everyone has them and part of your destiny is to take the time to identify them and live them out in YOUR LIFE.

What is the best advice (financial, emotional, spiritual, health-related) that you have ever received? Why did that piece of wisdom resonate with you so much?

Not sure if I have an exact answer to this question because the piece of wisdom I received didn’t come through the form of “traditional advice,” but rather I heard a sermon that struck a strong chord and supported how I had always lived my life. The pastor said, “Be sure to surround yourself with people who have your answers—who are where you want to be (not WHO you want to be).” I’ve been blessed with a strong sense of self, so I am quite reflective and cerebral—always thinking and creating opportunities. This is who I was a little girl. So, growing up and even now, I’ve been drawn to people who are wiser than me, who inspire me, and who motivate me. These people make up my circle of wisdom, and they are my confidants who continuously share excellent advice.

 What are you the most proud of as a woman, entrepreneur, scholar, or anything in between?

Although it’s been a long and hard journey, I’m most proud of being a woman who lives by faith. I’ve fought through personal tragedies and setbacks. My life is a testimony that you can do ANYTHING when applying your faith, love, and dedication. God amazes me each day.

What is going on in your business/career that EVERYONE should know about now?* Is there a product or services that we should ALL know about?

We’re so excited to be able to announce in a few months, a new and creative platform that will further define our “voice” and advance our reach. More information is to come, but continue to check out our website (www.ttgpartners.com) and be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook (@ttgpartners).

What makes you a DreamGirl?

I’m honored to be chosen as a DreamGirl. It’s always humbling to be chosen for something because of who you are and what you do. That said, I’m not sure what exactly makes me a DreamGirl because I’m just living my life to the best of my ability and hope it produces good change in the lives of others. Often I wonder why I am compelled to keep driving for change. But God always reminds me—whether through a conversation or a situation or a sign—that I’ve been created to help others. My belief, perhaps naïve to some, is that each of us instinctively has a desire to help in one way or the other

 How do you handle setbacks? What skills, support, or personality trait do you rely on the most to help you overcome adversity?

When I have a setback, I’m disappointed like anyone else. But I do not live in that disappointment for a long period of time. I take the lessons learned and move on. As a communications “fixer,” I use my skills of being a strategic thinker and my personality trait of being a confidant smartass to look at any adversity from every angle to figure out another way to reengage. I’m NEVER going to let a setback stop me. I’m a fighter and every setback to me is a fight; however, wisdom has taught me that some fights are won by not getting in the ring but rather staying in your corner to figure out the one punch that’s going to knock out your opponent (setback).

Connect with Tia and TTG+PARTNERS at http://www.ttgpartners.com/

Author Bio

Kara Stevens, founder of The Frugal Feminista, is the bestselling author of Heal Your Relationship with Money and two transformative books in her financial self-care series. A leading voice in financial wellness, Kara empowers women of color to heal financial trauma, build lasting wealth, and embrace abundance with confidence. Her work has been featured by Time, Forbes, and The Washington Post, inspiring women worldwide to rewrite their money stories. Follow Kara on LinkedIn and Instagram.

Heal Your Relationship With Money

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