Ginger does not know this, but I have been cyber stalking her for about two years. 🙂 No, seriously, I subscribed to Girls Just Wanna Have Funds because I loved that her message about financial empowerment to women was fiery and timeless. I mustered up the courage to interview Ginger this month and I am so glad that I did.
Ginger, the work that you do on your site Girls Just Wanna Have Funds is tremendous.I love how you are both tender and fierce when it comes to schooling women on their personal finances. What is it that you want women to know about money?
Thank you for your kind words! I want women to know that the actions they take as it relates to their finances will impact them tomorrow. Being mindful and intentional around spending and debt are keys to achieving financial freedom later on in life.
How does your background as a psychotherapist make you such a solid personal finance coach, writer, and advice giver?
I think it helps me understand why people make the decisions they do around money. Personal finance is just that – personal – and the external decisions we make reflect our internal experiences. I love helping people see the “why” in their decisions making. Only then can they move forward in utilizing the tools to fix their situations.
What trends, if any, do you see with your clients when it comes to their financial issues?
Overextended on credit and neck deep in debt is a common theme. Especially here in the DC area where there’s so much “keeping up with the Jones” going on. The first question is often “so what do you do” when you meet someone and depending on who you are, overspending to match an image gets many people in trouble. Often times, more than they are willing to admit to and instead opt to continue with a very private and painful struggle.
Without getting into the specifics, you shared on your site that you are recently divorced. Has your perspective on money changed as a result of the divorce? What have you learned from this experience?
My perspective hasn’t really changed. I still believe in acting responsibly with my money while investigating anything that may hinder me in my financial development. After the divorce, I had no interest in talking about money so I took a break from Girls Just Wanna Have Funds and even my own personal finances. I got back on track about 6 months later after making a few critical decisions. I’ve learned that it’s OK to take a break and even change my mind in order to regroup while reassessing my goals.
Where do you want Girls Just Wanna Have Funds to go and be in the next few years?
I love what DailyWorth has done in the women and finance space and I always say that I want Girls Just Wanna Have Funds to be like them when it grows up 🙂 My plans are for the site to become a media company and offer women various ways to gain insight and take action as it relates to their finances.
Ginger is open to stalkers. Twitter: @Gingerlatte Facebook: Girls Just Wanna Have Funds Facebook Page