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Motherhood + Entrepreneurship And The Journey To Minimalism

My days are like any other normal day. That is if your day consists of working on multiple projects, having a super active toddler forcing you to race around coffee tables, not being able to eat dinner until after 9 pm or taking a shower late at night all while growing another human in your belly. Yea, as “boring” as I feel my life is, it’s the kind of boredom that’ll drive anyone crazy. 

I remember the days where I was free to wake up, come and go as I pleased, and eat anytime I wanted. I was pretty organized and didn’t have much chaos or responsibility to worry much about. The only things that drove me crazy at that time were boyfriends, not having anything to wear out to girls’ night or awaiting the day when creating $10 logos would bring me, my first successful client. Then I became somebody’s mama and the life I once knew literally changed in a matter of hours. 

Motherhood has taught me so much, and learning how to pick my battles was one of them. Added to that, mixing that whole building a business thing with trying to balance being a new mom thing just wasn’t making it better. I mean, when you find yourself throwing dirty diapers in the corner of a room because your sleep schedule won’t allow for proper disposal, you know it’s time for help. I had to quickly learn how to find ways to make my life less chaotic and more peaceful. Around 2013 I started to “declutter” my world. At the time I was an active Lifestyle and Beauty Blogger; so, parting ways with clothes I’ve had for years, or makeup and hair care products I probably wasn’t going to use anyway proved to be tough on me. 

Luckily, you can say that “losing myself” worked in my favor for a moment. When I stopped doing the most for myself and pulled that energy into my work and mommy duties, it became so much easier to just let go of what I didn’t need to begin with.

 My life simplified – my skincare routine became simple, my hair care regimen became simple, running my businesses became more manageable, and being a mom became more enjoyable – outside of dealing with the terrible twos and preggo cravings, of course. What saved me? Letting go, being present, Netflix binge-watching, being loved on, never overthinking or questioning my journey, making more time for myself, and taking it all one day at a time. Motherhood and being an entrepreneur will always be a wild ride, but that’s the point, right? At least until you run out of places to run away to. 

Want to learn more about minimalism from various brown girls? My girl, Yolanda over at The Black Minimalists compiled a free ebook called  Simply Black. You should download it.  

[info_box type=”alert_box”]You know the lifestyle you want to lead, and it takes money to get you there. You can start working towards improving your lifestyle by improving your finances. One way to do this is to learn to budget like a boss. You can download this training here.[/info_box]

Author Bio

Kara Stevens, founder of The Frugal Feminista, is the bestselling author of Heal Your Relationship with Money and two transformative books in her financial self-care series. A leading voice in financial wellness, Kara empowers women of color to heal financial trauma, build lasting wealth, and embrace abundance with confidence. Her work has been featured by Time, Forbes, and The Washington Post, inspiring women worldwide to rewrite their money stories. Follow Kara on LinkedIn and Instagram.

Heal Your Relationship With Money

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