You know her as, “The Frugal Feminista”. In her own words, she “founded this bomb personal finance and lifestyle online community for us to cop a squat and share our dreams, fears, and how we will use our money to make the most of our time on this planet.” If you’re like me, you appreciate the hell out of her for it!
I know her as my home girl, Kara. We’ve known each other for 14 years—having met as study abroad students in Ghana. In that time we have each served as accountability partners and empowerment coaches for one another, prodding each other along in our self-actualization journeys.
If you’ve read any of my posts and know anything about me you know mental health, well-being, centeredness, practicing gratitude and self actualization are my thing. Almost a year ago Kara invited me to be an editor on this blog and I have been nothing but grateful for the opportunity to mingle with you lovely people.
In addition to my invitation to write for this blog, Kara and I have been talking for a few years now about joining forces & using our powers for good through the hosting of Empowered Life Events. Empowered Life Events serve as an extension of the model of our relationship. We want to create an opportunity for women to connect and serve as accountability partners while we offer concrete and conceptual tools for empowered living.
As such, we would like to invite you to join us for our first Empowered Life Event. Come here Kara speak and get the opportunity to mix and mingle with us after the event.
Norissa Williams founder of Empowered Life Inc.,
Kara Stevens, the Frugal Feminista, herself
and Two Moon Art House & Cafe present to you:
“I Get it From My Mama”: Understand and Optimize Your Unique Money Mindset.
In this interactive workshop, with guided practice, we uncover how our parents’ and extended family members’ beliefs about money impact our current financial identities and discuss its implications for helping us reach our financial goals.
You leave this workshop with:
- A completed financial genogram tracing the root of your financial identity
- An in-depth understanding of how to create financial SMART goals
- A 3-month plan for financial liberation
- A partner-in-accountability to support your financial recovery journey &
Saturday, March 29, 2014 from 7-9PM
at Two Moon Art House & Cafe
315 Fourth Ave., Brooklyn, NY, 11215
General Admission: $20| Early Bird Special $15
Advance Sales only @
Soups, sandwiches, pastries, drinks and other refreshments are available for purchase courtesy of Two Moon Cafe.