
Be A Sponsor

Conference Sponsorships 2014

The Blogging While Brown Conference has been attended by bloggers of color for 5 years. Last year, The Frugal Feminista was in attendance, live blogging, posting to Facebook, and tweeting. will be in attendance in 2014 from June 27th through the 28th in New York City. Not all bloggers, are able to attend this wonderful event, but The Frugal Feminsta sponsors are lucky.

I’ll be there!!! And when you sponsor me, your brand can be represented at Blogging While Brown!  Sponsoring me for Blogging While Brown is now easier than ever. Be in touch with me at kara@empoweredbydesign.com for deets!

To make sure that Blogging While Brown attendees leave with a great impression of your company, I do not hand out unsolicited materials.  I prefer to distribute materials through giveaways and prize packages on my website; that way you get your materials in the hands of the people who truly want them and are genuinely interested in your product or service.

With hundreds of bloggers in attendance, and thousands following the Blogging While Brown hashtag, sponsoring my attendance can be a great benefit for you and your company.

Sponsors offset the cost of my trip to Blogging While Brown, and in return get great exposure on my website, on Twitter, and on Facebook.  This sponsorship may include meals, transportation, hotel, and/or conference registration.  To get started,contact me at kara@empoweredbydesign.com

I look forward to working with you!

Brand Ambassadorships

I LOVE working with brands that respect the intellect and wallet of my community of Frugal Feministas!  We are serious business. 🙂 If you are a brand that loves smart, thoughtful, and financially-savvy women of color as much as I do and believe that your products and/or services will offer value to us, I am all about collaborating.


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