Yes, You Should Attend the FREE Rainbow PUSH Money Matters Event!!


It seems like everywhere I turn, my friends are either pushing out babies (including myself. I pushed my baby girl out in past July) or thinking about it.

I have girlfriends that are pulling their coins together to make hefty down payments on the homes of their dreams or thinking about it.

I have folk in my inner circle that are talking all grown about their retirement plans, pensions, and whether or not they should start a side hustle.

It’s clear somewhere and somehow they started getting hip to why it’s soooooooo important to get your money life together. Maybe they just got tired of being broke, reached out to someone they trusted, or attended some workshop or conference and educated themselves about money and getting their financial house in order.

Speaking of which… (You like how I did that, right? That sexy segue?)

Rainbow PUSH Coalition and Chevrolet have teamed up to host a series of workshops to educate African American consumers on financial literacy and assist participants in developing concrete steps toward financial security.


The super official name of the workshop series (*clears throat and puts on high falutin’ voice) is: Rainbow PUSH Money Matters sponsored by Chevrolet

The goal of the program is to help demystify the complexities of college financing, understanding credit, share the benefits of long-term money management, and offer helpful insights on entrepreneurship and establishing a personal brand.

And the best part is that it’s free!

The series will be in NYC in Harlem on Saturday, September 10th Harlem, NY – September 10 at the Harlem Commonwealth Council (361 West 125th St., New York, NY 10027, 10am-2pm) and in Detroit on October 1st.

If you know that you need some free financial guidance, then check out the Rainbow PUSH website to register for the Money Matters workshop in your area.

I will DEFINITELY be there taking notes and learning from all of the knowledgeable speakers on ways that I can further and deepen my financial education. Even though I am your trusted financial friend and mentor, I have and always will consider myself a student of personal finance.

There will be a lot of #blackgirlmagic there.

That, plus this will be one of the few times I’ll be out the house since Baby Girl came; so if I’m super excited to have adult interaction, that’s why. So, don’t judge me. 🙂

But seriously, with all of the free resources out here, we can’t fix our faces in earnest to say that there’s no help.

There’s plenty. So, register and lock-in your spot.

See you there!!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Chevy . The opinions and text are all mine.

If this posts inspires you to get your finances in order, don’t let the work stop here.  Consider enrolling in one of my online courses. I have one on budgeting and one on saving.


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