Being The Ultimate Girl Boss In The Face Of Uncertainty
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Being a boss isn’t easy. Being a girl boss? Even harder. As a woman in business, it’s easy to feel like you have to work even harder than your male colleagues, just to be respected. Being a leader isn’t just talent; it’s something to be worked on each day. The marathon of becoming the best leader of your team can be long and often frustrating, but the journey is absolutely everything. Evolving each day and learning from our mistakes is the only way to create a successful business. The challenges make us better, stronger, and more capable each time we overcome them. 

Now, in the time of COVID-19, being a fearless leader is more important than ever before. So many businesses are struggling to adapt to the changes to our world, but what better time to prove yourself as the ultimate girl boss than now? Maintaining your business’ brand through your online presence is of utmost importance, but what else can be done to ensure you are thriving in this new world of ours?

Be the helping hand your colleagues need

Being the boss means being the toughest person in the office – but sometimes a softer attitude is more useful. During this time of fear and uncertainty, it’s essential to make sure you are an approachable manager. Many workers are concerned about hygiene and safety when offices reopen, and your job as the leader is to provide solutions to their fears. Offering simple changes, like easy-to-clean alternatives such as office equipment made of silicone or PVC, is an excellent way of showing you’re taking concerns seriously. Being an amazing leader doesn’t always mean taking an aggressive approach, and showing people you care is equally important to being a fierce girl boss. 

Taking time for yourself

There’s so much pressure to be productive while stuck at home. Especially if you’re running a business, you could be duped into working every single day, spending every waking moment trying to improve your business from home. But sometimes, being productive means taking a day off. Driving yourself into the ground is, in the long term, going to impact your business. So take the day, listen to a few inspirational podcasts, take a bubble bath, and generally chill out. Your brain, body, and business will thank you for it. 

One way to unwind and improve your mental health is by trying something new. Learning to knit, trying out yoga, or experimenting in the kitchen can take your mind away from stress. Trying something new will only improve your skillset, make use of your off-days, and help expand your mind away from tackling issues with your business.


All in all, being a girl boss is a tough, challenging, awesome, incredible job to have. Owning your own business and managing a team is a success in itself. Be kind to yourself, be approachable, and be present. Use this time to learn and grow as a person, not just as a business. Thriving, not surviving, is the way to get ahead. 


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