
The Day I Learned That Taking A Taxi Wouldn’t Make Me Poor

I am that atypical person of color who is chronically early. Recently though, I realized 15 minutes before I was supposed to meet a friend for coffee across town that I was woefully unready, hadn’t even changed into clothes befitting human company yet. I texted the friend to let them know I was running late.

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What Your Period Has To Do With How Much You Spend and When You Ask for a Raise

I don’t know about you, but I really don’t look forward to my period. Not quite “The Curse” as many people have called it, but not quite “The Gift” that many women have reframed it to be. For awhile, my period was just a biological-something that happened to me, without my permission, and leaving me

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How Do the Rich Stay Rich?

“My family has money and we still shop secondhand. How do you think the rich stay rich? Did you know Mary Kay clipped coupons?” One day, I was on a plane to San Diego and, I was speaking to the guy next to me about investing in yourself and the conversation expanded to the difference

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Are Black Women Just Undisciplined Spenders?

This is not breaking news: African-American women are usually the primary decision-makers and chief breadwinners for our families; we must make the decisions for all family consumption from shopping for food, clothing, and shelter as well as well-being (healthcare), transportation and recreation. We, however, in many cases need more support and financial literacy to help

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How Periodically Checking Your Reoccurring Payment Plans Can Save You Money

Recently I went to my cell phone carrier because I was having issues with my phone. I went to the store to explore options to either fix my phone or get a new one.  Right before I left, the associate asked me if I wanted to explore whether my plan fits my needs. Of course

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“How Are We Going To Pay for That?” How to Finance Your Next College Degree

Last week my husband and I were having a discussion. I mentioned to him that I was thinking about going back to school to pursue an advanced degree. His immediate response was ‘how are we going to pay for that’? Now my husband is always super supportive of me and all my endeavors, so I

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Don’t Be That Girl: 3 Types of Women That Have Toxic Relationships with Money

It is so important that women have access and constant exposure to positive financial role models as they journey from girlhood into womanhood. When they don’t, they end up like one of the following financial archetypes — using money as a proxy and substitute for self-worth, love, status, security, and identity. #1 Danielle The DivaDanielle

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How to Stop Other People From Spending Your Money

How many times have you heard the phrase, “I know you have it!” Maybe we said it to our parents when we were younger, or maybe friends or family have said it to us. Regardless of the situation, someone else is counting another person’s pockets! It’s hard enough to manage our own money without falling

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I Made More than $16k Since We Last Talked

This year I’ve shared part of my journey with you in other posts… (SEE RELATED POSTS: I Work Less But I Still Make Money and Getting Rid of the Crutches in Your Life). In short, I was working like crazy, but something had to give so I quit three of my part-time gigs. I’d calculated

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Flight or Fight Everyday

As humans we are all wired with a fight or flight response to certain situations. Situations that cause of heightened level of stress will either be mad with a response of running and getting the hell out of Dodge or staying and fighting. And that fight will usually comes with an increased level of intensity

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