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How To Bounce Back From A Repossession

FREE QUIZ: Know Your Money Personality Many of my clients have dealt with a previous repossession and some of them are not sure how to bounce back from that. There are a few steps to follow and of course, you must have patience as many banks are not willing to give a second chance. I

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5 Emotional Reasons for Spending and How to Overcome It

By Aisha Taylor How many of you have ever gone shopping, brought the items home, and then thought, “Why did I buy that?”  If so, you may have purchased that item because you were emotionally shopping.  The problem with emotional shopping is that often times we purchase things that we don’t need, and we spend

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The Facts About Getting Your Credit Pulled

When you think of getting your credit pulled, you think your score is going to drop a lot of points right? Well, you are incorrect. There are rules in place from the FICO algorithm that keep your scores from taking huge dives. There are also rules in place in which your score will decrease, but

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Who Runs The World? Girls!!! 5 Facts That You Need To Know About Women and Wealth

Earlier this month I attended a Morgan Stanley workshop called, “Women and Wealth” headed by the Urban Girl Squad to increase my financial acumen and because, as you know, personal finance and empowerment are passions of mine. The workshop covered the basics as it relates to savings, money management, and retirement. Their message, like any

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6 Simple Steps to Save 50% of Your Income

My husband and I have always toyed with the idea of living off of fifty percent of our incomes— not necessarily because one of us wants to quit our job right now, (ummm…that’s really not true…so let me stop LOL) but because we are serious about wealth and understand that our daily decisions impact our

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What Is 680 Credit Score Bank?

Written By: Calvin O’Neal Russell Jr – Certified FICO Professional Not too long ago, one of my clients applied for a credit card at a “680 Credit Score Bank.” After putting in the application, he was denied and decided that he would never apply for a credit card again. I explained to him that is

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How Do I Use Money As a Tool to Live My Juiciest Life? Here are Three Steps

Do you know of a woman that, despite not-so-great circumstances, keeps it positive and looks at the world through a lens of hope, faith, and overall positivity?  She has confidence, stays calm, and knows her purpose in life? Her light and energy are contagious and you just want to soak it all in? Then, you

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4 Ways to Combat the “I’m Rich on Payday” Feeling

Have you ever looked at your bank account on payday and felt like you were rich? Did the increase in your account start to make you excited and anxious? Did that money start to burn a hole in your pocket and you just had to spend it to treat yourself for working hard over the

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5 Things Smart Women Do with Their Tax Return Money Number #3 is a Kicker

A few years ago, I was walking in the mall and overheard a business owner trying to convince a woman to use her tax return to purchase a weave. She said that her hair was an investment. I didn’t stick around long enough to hear the customer’s response, but in my mind, I was thinking, “Buying

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How Your Inability to Manage Your Calendar Affects Your Wallet and Your Weight

Recently I heard someone speak and they said that they manage their life according to their calendar. The speaker said that each day they evaluate where they are going, why they are going, and what will happen when they go. This individual asks all of these questions because they understand the importance of managing their

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