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4 No Brainer Ways to Avoid More Debt During the Holidays

Over 80% of Americans have debt: mortgages, car loans, credit card loans etc. You likely fall in that number and you likely want to pay off your debt. Whether you’re the type of person who is really good about making sure you pay more than the minimum payment every month or you’re struggling to do

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How To Maintain Good Credit During The Holidays

Its the most wonderful time of the year! Or should I play that damn Temptations Christmas Album my mom would wear out!!! LOL!!! Ahhh, those were the days. Anyway, I want to go over how to Maintain Good Credit During The Holidays and maintaining a good credit score while still shopping for gifts and such.

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Smart Ways To Use Your Credit Card

Credit isn’t bad; the misuse of credit is bad.  Credit can be very dangerous in the hands of an impulse spender or a person who defines herself by her closet.  This can cause that individual to go into a lot of debt.  However, if used wisely credit can be very helpful.  Let’s face it.  Our

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The Only Quality That Separates You from Being a Black Millionaire (and It Isn’t Difficult)

My current reading situation is Dr. Dennis Kimbro’s The Wealth Choice.  According to his work, there are 35,000 black millionaires in the US today. When I came across this number, I was a little   a lot underwhelmed. I started to wonder how many more of us could be millionaires if we could just get our

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5 Ways to Combat Instant Gratification

Picture this… You’re walking through the store, and you see the perfect sweater. Immediately, your mouth starts to water a little, and you get that impulsive, “I gotta have it NOW” feeling. Think about how hard it is to walk away from a situation like that. The difficulty in walking away is even harder if

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5 Ways to Find The Perfect Birthday Gift

Showing the people that we love how much we appreciate them is extremely important.  Although you do not have to limit yourself to major events, I wanted to write a post about FNPhenomenal Ways to give the perfect birthday gift. Please note that you don’t have to spend a lot of money, or even buy

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Don’t Be That Girl: 3 Types of Women That Have Toxic Relationships with Money

It is so important that women have access and constant exposure to positive financial role models as they journey from girlhood into womanhood. When they don’t, they end up like one of the following financial archetypes — using money as a proxy and substitute for self-worth, love, status, security, and identity. #1 Danielle The DivaDanielle

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How to Increase Your Savings by Making It Automatic

If there was one book that totally transformed my approach towards money, it had to be the Automatic Millionaire by David Bach.  This book taught me that if I want to be successful with savings and investing, then you must make it automatic.  The brilliance behind this concept is you can’t spend what you don’t

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4 Ways to Protect Yourself From Nickel and Diming Your Way Into the Poorhouse

One of the interesting things that I see as a personal finance coach supporting black women regain control of their finances is that these women are in debt or have bad credit , not because they are poorly compensated and, as a result, have to resort to charging basic necessities on their credit cards, but

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Have Debt, Have No Savings? Do Make These 4 Money Moves to Help You Easily Live Below Your Means

I was speaking to a girlfriend that was looking for advice on how to manage her finances better. She was proud to share that she had no debt, but when it came to savings, she had none. Living Beyond Your Means I know for some, this is a hard concept to grasp. We usually hear

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