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One Brown Girl’s Journey to Mental Health and Healing

There are so many things that I could tell you about Natasha Cobb but I’ll let her tell you herself. I just want to say, though, that Natasha and I were the best of friends in middle school and one of my biggest regrets (which I shared with her) was that I wasn’t a part

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3 Signs It’s Time to Get Some Therapy

I was on Twitter a few weeks ago and saw this post. It was such a thoughtful post that I had to reach out to the writer (her name is Christina Lattimore) and tell her how much I appreciated it. I appreciated it so much that I wanted to share it with you guys. I

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How I Used Living Social to Help Me With My Seasonal Depression

I am not sure about you, but I get a major case of the sads during the winter. Just last Sunday, I was watching Akeelah and the Bee and found myself bawling—deep belly tears. And I couldn’t stop myself. I didn’t understand why I was crying, but luckily I’ve learned that part of my journey

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4 Ways to Kill the “Strong Black Woman” Syndrome So You Can Be Happy Again

If I could quit my job, buy a pick-up truck with a megaphone attached and spend the rest of my days shouting from the top of my lungs and paraphrase one of my favorite bell hooks quotes ” Strength is not the ability to overcome, but endure,” I would. It is such an important concept

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