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What Is 680 Credit Score Bank?

Written By: Calvin O’Neal Russell Jr – Certified FICO Professional Not too long ago, one of my clients applied for a credit card at a “680 Credit Score Bank.” After putting in the application, he was denied and decided that he would never apply for a credit card again. I explained to him that is

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How To Use Your Tax Refund When Financing A Car With Bad Credit

One of the most anticipated times of the year is well among us all. That time is…. TAX TIME! Some people love it and some people hate it! Either way, if you are expecting a refund from your tax return, sometimes it may be difficult on which route is best to go if you are

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Three Simple Ways To Rebuild Your Credit

Rebuilding credit can seem like a frustrating task. Many consumers give up and eventually file for bankruptcy, which is the worst decision to make as this will make future credit building more difficult. After viewing over 50-60 credit reports per day, I have personally seen consumers bounce back into the high 600’s and 700’s in

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How To Maintain Good Credit During The Holidays

Its the most wonderful time of the year! Or should I play that damn Temptations Christmas Album my mom would wear out!!! LOL!!! Ahhh, those were the days. Anyway, I want to go over how to Maintain Good Credit During The Holidays and maintaining a good credit score while still shopping for gifts and such.

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What Landlords Hate To See On A Credit Report

Every day, many people are looking for an apartment, condo, or home to rent. In most cases, the landlord of the property will more than likely give you an application to fill out and charge an application fee as well. With so many people applying for the same complex or units, there are a list

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Don’t Call in Sick, Call in Broke: 5 Things to Do at Home to Improve Your Money Matters

Let’s Make a Vacation Out of It Data from the World Tourism Organization (WTO) find that America ranks amongst the lowest in developed countries in the average annual amount of vacation time their citizens receive. Member-countries of the European Union (EU) like Italy, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom receive, on average, 42 days, 37

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Smart Ways To Use Your Credit Card

Credit isn’t bad; the misuse of credit is bad.  Credit can be very dangerous in the hands of an impulse spender or a person who defines herself by her closet.  This can cause that individual to go into a lot of debt.  However, if used wisely credit can be very helpful.  Let’s face it.  Our

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What Exactly Is A FICO Score?

FICO was founded in 1956 as Fair, Isaac and Company by engineer William Fair and mathematician Earl Isaac. The company debuted its first general-purpose FICO score in 1989 and by 2005, they sold their 10 Millionth Score! Watch this short video on what the score is and why it matters.  Every day, thousands of U.S. lenders use FICO Scores

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How To Start Your Children Off With A Great Credit Score By….

Many young adults apply for student and auto loans only to get denied because of low credit score. Some of them have no idea how to build credit or how to start on the right path. That is usually when the parents come in. Some parents show their children how to build credit, some build

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Does Being Married Affect Your Credit Score?

Many married couples think that certain activities affect their credit score. I have seen this time and time again in which married couples are afraid to make certain financial moves because of a few misconceptions. Let’s go over a few of them.  1. Do Accounts Merge Together When You Get Married? Not at all. Account

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