
Be A Better Boss By Managing People In Style

Is there room for improvement within your business? If so, finding ways to get more out of the key people in your venture should be the top item on your agenda. And, frankly, it’s a process that starts with you. People management is an essential ingredient in the recipe for success. Here’s how you can

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What to Know Before Making Your Very First Property Investment

Since time immemorial, the scales have been tipped against women’s favor — from workplace discrimination and constant condescension from colleagues, to nonsensical dress codes and casual harassment. While women have started to put their feet down and rewrite the patriarchal protocols of history, there remains one more gap that needs to be addressed. The unspoken

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The Waiting Game: The Small Business Owner’s Guide to Recouping Unpaid Invoices

If small business owners didn’t have enough to worry about—finding clients, marketing, paying employees, and scaling their business— they also have to deal with one of the biggest enemies to positive cash flow in their business and sustainability:  chasing down delinquent clients for piles of unpaid invoices. Abiola Abrams, spiritual self-worth and business coach to

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What is Passive Income and How Do I Create It?

Growing up, I was taught that the secret to success was going to an excellent college and landing a high-paying job.  I followed this formula to a tee. I went to graduate school and entered the field of education. As a classroom teacher and school building leader, I found an immense amount of joy and

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How to Find, Buy, and Resell Sneakers as a Money-Making Side Hustle

If you’re a sneakerhead or love just sneaker culture, then you’re in the best position to a make it a lucrative side-hustle in this multi-billion dollar industry. Limited-edition sneakers are like any other collectible—once you find and hold on one-of-kind kicks, you’ll be able to resell them for a to a world of sneaker status-seekers

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On Becoming a Personal Chef

One of the most memorable quotes from the documentary On Becoming Warren Buffet comes from the billionaire and philanthropist himself. When asked about the best way to choose a career, he said that one should not worry about making money, but should focus on what they would do if money weren’t an issue. [Tweet “one

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10 of the Best Ways Black Women Can Make More Money in Their Online Businesses

Make no mistakes about it: black women continue to be the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs in the United States. And Rosetta Thurman, founder of Happy Black Woman, is equipping many of these women with the mindset, strategies, and tools to ensure that they don’t merely begin businesses, but build businesses that thrive and scale. During

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How to Use CashInMyBag.com to Make Money from Your Unwanted Handbags

  One of the best ways to get out of debt without having to take a second job or work overtime is embrace your “inner sales girl.” Yes. For those you with a closet full of luxury and designer handbags and totes collecting dust, then it’s time to start thinking about ways to recoup some

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The Two Things You Need to Know About the Writing Process If You Are Serious About Becoming an Author

Two weeks ago, my copywriter returned the first draft on my debut self-help book on self-love and personal finance via email. And to be honest, I was far from thrilled. With just a cursory look, there were so many strikethroughs and comments about redundancies, awkward word choice, and lack of coherence that the thought about

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7 Branding & Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners Just Starting Out 

viable marketing plan so your ideal client will know about you and your products and services and vice versa. Christine St.Vil and Julian Kiganda, sisters and co-authors of Whose Shoes Are You Wearing? 12-Steps to Uncovering the Woman You Really Want to Be and owners of Moms N’ Charge and Bold & Fearless, respectively have

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