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How Getting A Life Kept Me Out of the Mall: Shopping In My Closet Challenge Update Week 3

Good Morning Frugalistas!

I am sorry for having not updated my progress and struggle with shopping in my closet–but I have been busy having an active civic and social life– which I think is the main reason why shopping in my closet was so easy this week.

As I mentioned last week, I realized that I was hitting the stores with a crackhead fever because I had too much time on my hands. I was bored; I was unfocused. This week was a little different. I had some real things to do.

1. Take to Civic Action

Last year, I was looking for black professionals with whom I could vibe and with whom I could collaborate on meaningful projects to impact positive change in our communities. To that end,  I joined the New York Urban League’s Young Professional (NYULP) at the end of last year. We had our first meeting of 2013 where I joined their Communications Committee. As a member of the Communications Committee, I will be helping with their media outreach and contributing to their blog, The Griot. I am stoked! Let me know if you join, too!

2. Take Control of Health 

Lately, I have been noticing that my hip-booty-thigh combination has been getting a little reckless. I have been enjoying my food and rest a little too much and have started to pay for it. So ,this week, instead of losing myself in the clothes racks and picking up items that I did not need,  I decided, instead, to get back to focusing on my health. I don’t like going to the gym during the winter, so I started back on my home-based workout regimen. Does anyone know about The Firm series, especially my favorite and most effective Jiggle-Free Buns workout? (It is the truth!)

3. Clean My Closet

While this is not a civic or social activity, it is a necessity. I took my own advice and cleaned out my closet. It felt so good! In addition to having a clear understanding that I, in fact, have 4 black bags, 4 brown bags, and whole heap of other stuff that proves that I am NOT lacking–that I am living in abundance–my girlfriend and fellow hustler Kim, told me about a website that is like an Ebay, but for gently-worn apparel: www.yardsellr.com. Check it out if you want to SELL, please don’t buy anything if you don’t need to. 🙂 I am probably not going to do this because H&M has something more appealing that I can do with my unwanted clothes.


Beginning in February, H&M will take your unwanted clothes, no matter the condition, in exchange for H&M store vouchers. I found this gem of info on Yahoo. Here is the link if you want to hear it for yourself. (Start at 1:01) shopping.yahoo.com/financially-fit/never-pay-full-price-120000266.html

Fabulous N’ Frugal Nation: How are you keeping yourself actively engaged in your life so you won’t have time to waste shopping?

If you’re waiting for a sign that it’s time to make a change, consider this it. Money Therapy may be just what you need to break through your financial blocks and release your money guilt and shame.     

Author Bio

Kara Stevens, founder of The Frugal Feminista, is the bestselling author of Heal Your Relationship with Money and two transformative books in her financial self-care series. A leading voice in financial wellness, Kara empowers women of color to heal financial trauma, build lasting wealth, and embrace abundance with confidence. Her work has been featured by Time, Forbes, and The Washington Post, inspiring women worldwide to rewrite their money stories. Follow Kara on LinkedIn and Instagram.

Heal Your Relationship With Money

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