Single and Saving in the City
“If you are currently seeing more than one person, schedule your hair appointments first and then the date, not the other way around!”
Read MoreIt started like scene from a romance novel. I sat across a conference table from my soon to be sweetheart…eyes sparkling, heart fluttering. A business meeting that turned personal. After several emails and texts, we began the formal courting process. I knew he traveled a lot but didn’t make much of it. Over the phone
Read MoreVanessa is dropping some serious love and money science with this post and the previous one. Keep reading to find out what she learned about love and money…the hard way. Now, I love designer items just like the next girl, but I had a man who loved designer items more than I did.
Read MoreThere are many contented single women. They don’t need a partner. Don’t want a partner and scoff at the notion of being someone’s “other half,” again. Then, there are those of us who want a relationship—if not now, then sometime in the future. Over the past couples of years I ‘ve read a few books
Read MoreFREE QUIZ: Learn how your emotions impact your financial future. “You know what’s really, powerfully sexy? A sense of humor… A taste for adventure… Smart-ass comebacks… A quick wit… Dirty jokes told by an innocent looking lady.”–Courtney E. Martin Any worthy dating prospect will tell you there’s nothing sexier than a woman who can
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