
How Meditation Can Help You Manage Your Money

It can help you to Decrease Your Spending  Do you sometimes wonder where all your money goes? Many of us do, and partly because of the world we live in, there are so many appealing subscription services, for instance. Regular meditation practice will help you become more conscious of what you actually need and will

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Why Smart Black Girls Don’t Buy Books

  I love learning. And I would generally give myself a pass when I splurged on purchasing books because I rationalized that it was an affordable pathway to personal development.  While the logic is reasonable, I noticed a troubling trend with my book buying— my buying: reading ratio was completely out of whack. I would

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5 Baby Steps to Eliminate Debt and Increase Your Financial Confidence

There is a reason why “debt” is a “four-letter” word. Debt is a curse and keeps you from living your life free of fear, worry, and frustration. The irony is that we run away from our financial problems because we want to avoid pain. Running away, however, only worsens the state of our finances, thus

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3 Simple Ways To Make Clean and Healthy Living Possible and Cost Effective

Dr. Laurén Doamekpor I consider myself to be pretty healthy and health conscious. I try to stay clear of processed foods, I eat a good amount of veggies and fruits, drink water and work out regularly. But the other day, I realized that there is much more I could be doing to up my game

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Make Self-Compassion a Priority

Now that we’re days into the New Year, those who set New Year’s Resolutions are in the thick of making their change. But before fully moving into the New Year, reviewing the past year – the good, bad, and ugly is necessary. Regardless of the ups and downs of 2015, how you understand them will directly

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I Have Superpowers. And So Do You.

I have superpowers. That’s right, bonafide, cape-wearing, extra strength superpowers that make me extraordinary. I know that I’m not supposed to talk about how fantastic I am. I’m supposed to second guess and doubt myself, worry all of the time, and focus solely on others. I’m not supposed to talk about the ways that me

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Jars of Gratitude this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. With tons of great food, good conversation, and laughter I am always thankful for a full belly and a smile on my face by the end of the night. But not everyone gets excited about Thanksgiving or the holiday season. Trouble with finances, ended relationships, death, challenging family situations, and

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5 Ways to Find The Perfect Birthday Gift

Showing the people that we love how much we appreciate them is extremely important.  Although you do not have to limit yourself to major events, I wanted to write a post about FNPhenomenal Ways to give the perfect birthday gift. Please note that you don’t have to spend a lot of money, or even buy

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Have Debt, Have No Savings? Do Make These 4 Money Moves to Help You Easily Live Below Your Means

I was speaking to a girlfriend that was looking for advice on how to manage her finances better. She was proud to share that she had no debt, but when it came to savings, she had none. Living Beyond Your Means I know for some, this is a hard concept to grasp. We usually hear

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From Hoarder to Semi-Minimalist – The Journey Begins

As a hoarder lover of all things beauty, I recently did an audit of my medicine cabinet, the cabinet under the sink and my vanity and….it was #toomuch! The overflow of product is literally out of control! I no longer have a medicine cabinet as it is full of half used products, products I tried

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