
How I Paid Off My Graduate Debt

I became a teacher because of my passion for social justice. I wanted to give girls and boys that looked like me a chance to feel the love and support from someone that they could culturally relate to. I also wanted to give them the critical thinking tools to make them feel like they could

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7 Gadgets That Can Help You Save A Lot Of Money

Most people want to save money, but also wish to purchase gadgets that make working or living at home easy and comfortable. But is that even possible? What if you were told that it is possible to roll some money into some of the handy gadgets you desire. The truth is that how you save

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Your Saving Options Seem Too Drastic? Well Here’s How You Can Be Smarter

In this life, we all have things we cherish and want to be able to know how to handle. Our projects, each other, and precious moments just to name a few. We know that, if we’re not careful, we can lose the things we have and potentially never regain them ever again. A little lapse

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Why Smart Black Girls Don’t Buy Books

  I love learning. And I would generally give myself a pass when I splurged on purchasing books because I rationalized that it was an affordable pathway to personal development.  While the logic is reasonable, I noticed a troubling trend with my book buying— my buying: reading ratio was completely out of whack. I would

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5 Baby Steps to Eliminate Debt and Increase Your Financial Confidence

There is a reason why “debt” is a “four-letter” word. Debt is a curse and keeps you from living your life free of fear, worry, and frustration. The irony is that we run away from our financial problems because we want to avoid pain. Running away, however, only worsens the state of our finances, thus

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How to Host Your First Live Event On a Tight Budget and Make $1,000 In the Process

Earlier this year, I hosted my first live event in honor of launching my first book, Unmasking the Strong Black Woman.  With a full-time job and an infant, I thought it was virtually impossible to do so, but I was wrong. My first event was well attended and lucrative. Here are the various steps I

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Why DIY is a Great Money Saving Strategy

Have you ever had something that you absolutely loved, but you wondered if you could continue to afford it?  Well, I recently felt this way.  Lately, I have been obsessed with a vegan chocolate milkshake from a local Detroit restaurant.  My obsession was bringing me into the restaurant about one to two times per week,

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6 Weekly Meal Planning Tips to Help You Save Money, Your Sanity, and (Possibly Your Future Marriage)

I work with a lot of women that control the purse strings in the home but find themselves struggling to meet their families’ savings goals. When we sit down and do a deep dive and analysis of their budget, one of the biggest money wasters is food— whether it is overspending on groceries, letting food

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3 Ways to Save Money on A Wedding Gift and Stay On Budget

Wedding season is in full force, and if you are trying to be frugal because you don’t have the extra money to spend or you are trying to pay off debt, then this can be a scary time.  Please note, if you are a bridesmaid, then you definitely should read this article about cost saving

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5 Simple Ways to Stay Calm and Out of Debt During the Holiday Season

The holiday season can be very stressful for a number of reasons. People may feel alone, there is more traffic than normal in the malls, and there is the pressure to buy the perfect gift. It can definitely be overwhelming, but here are some tips on how to stay calm, maintain your sanity, and actually

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