
Getting a Good Night’s Sleep When The World is in Chaos

  If you are struggling to sleep right now, you certainly aren’t alone. Every day the news seems to bring new horrors, from COVID-19 deaths to businesses closing down to protests and riots on our streets. It’s tough, whether you have personal worries, perhaps concerns about your health, your career, or your future. Worries about

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5 Tips To Grow Your Personal Savings

It’s not weird to wake up one day to the realization that your spending habits are not the healthiest. If this recently happened to you, then you’re not alone. Most people come to this realization at least once in their lives. The important thing is acknowledging and changing this way of life; you can develop

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Always Eat After 7 – Author Interview

This post is brought to you by our sponsor, “Always Eat After 7 PM”. The opinions expressed below are my own. Reading Always Eat After 7 has been such a powerful learning experience. It’s helping me reconnect with myself and food in mindful and helpful ways. I’m learning that I don’t have to be so

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What To Do If You Are A Victim Of Financial Fraud

Financial fraud is where someone steals your information and pretends to be you. They have access to your credit card, which usually means they go on a spending spree. It can leave you with nothing in your bank account, and a fair bit of debt as well. This is a criminal offense, and you have

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How The Coronavirus Forced Me To Rethink My Life Emotionally And Financially

If you would have told me that I’d be having to self-quarantine for the next couple of months because of the coronavirus, which would force me to revisit my approach to saving and spending, I would have told you to lay off the sci-fi binges on Netflix and drink some more water. But this is

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6 Ways to Prepare Your Business for Growth

For most small business owners, one of the biggest goals is to see consistent growth or success. Unfortunately, you’ve probably heard statistics before about 20-50% of small businesses failing in their first year. While information like that can be disheartening, that doesn’t mean your business or your passion will become just another statistic.  Are there

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Why I Chose This Diet

  This post is brought to you by our sponsor, “Always Eat After 7 PM”. The opinions expressed below are my own. I decided that I wanted to read Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion  so I can

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4 Mistakes New Business Owners Will Make With Marketing

Are you looking for ways to improve marketing for your business? If so, then you need to make sure that you avoid some of the common pitfalls.  Old Tricks It’s perhaps worth noting that marketing is a technique that is constantly evolving over time. It never remains the same for long. Marketing tactics that you

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How to Successfully Manage Your Personal Finances

Poor money management can land you in a mound of debt that can take years to repay. Staying on top of your personal finances is essential to living a comfortable future where you don’t need to worry about living paycheck to paycheck, paying off massive loans, or living a frugal life because you can’t afford

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What are the impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the USA real estate market?

The Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic is the black swan event of our generation. As of the point of writing (Apr 29th, 2020), there are more than 3 million cases globally and 200k deaths. The United States is, unfortunately, the hardest-hit country with 1M cases and 58k deaths. One of the evident effects of the pandemic is

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