
5 Steps To Remove Clutter Before The New Year

The Cost of Clutter Christmas Eve was earlier this week. I’m a procrastinator, so I left my house on Christmas Eve with several purchases to make. I live by a commercial area called Jamaica Avenue. Usually, Jamaica Avenue, like any other commercial district, is congested. But on Christmas Eve, I don’t know. I am not

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3 Benefits of Swapping (Besides Sticking It to Consumerism)

“Because in ourselves, we are one hell of a storm.”   This is what I feel anytime women-of-color come together to do something amazing. A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending a Soup N Swap event, where women met to barter and feast on gourmet soup.   Sponsored by AF3IRM and

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Four Things To Give Instead of Gifts For Christmas

Are you still racking your brains for last-minute gift ideas?  With only a few days before Christmas, finding and buying the perfect gift can be stressful.  Not only that, but you run the risk of buying something that your loved ones might not use or like. So why stress yourself out? Opt for giving any of

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Why I Pay Myself First …

Because I am planning to have a “last day of work” and do not want to go back. The operative word here is “planning,” not “hoping,” “praying,” or “dreaming.” Because while I am cute (and you are too), this fine will not last forever and I want something tangible to show from all my years

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“Balance”, not “Budget” is the Secret to Mindful Spending

When it comes to how you should spend your money, everyone seems to have something to say. (including me :)). Listening to the most austere savers would have many of us walking around  looking crazy, ashy, and angry from subjecting ourselves to extreme deprivation. On the other hand, following the advice of the carefree spender,

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How to Touch Your Tantra: Interview with Lisa of LifeBliss Solutions

Back in 2007, I was a hot mess: without focus, pinning over some dude, and holding residual anger from a lifetime of accumulated disappointments. But luckily, I knew I needed help. I also knew that I did not want to go the traditional, sterile counselor or therapist route. What I did not know,though, was what

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Black Violin- Money Well Spent

I started FabulousNFrugal  because I wanted to share my journey toward being debt-free with anyone willing to listen in hopes of inspiring women-of-color to make more meaningful choices around their dollars. I love art, learning new things, writing, reading, travel, theatre, and retreats. In other words, if I am going to spend money, I prefer to

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The Budget and The Bride: 8 Ways to Start Your Marriage Financially Fluid

I just got married!!!! But it was touch-and-go for a minute. I had been engaged for a year and living with my then-fiance for seven months before making it to the altar. My mama was scared. My brother was skeptical. There were rumors and concerns up and through Antigua and Tobago about if/when I was

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Join Wealth Watchers… Because It Works

One of the reasons that If you’re waiting for a sign that it’s time to make a change, consider this it. Money Therapy may be just what you need to break through your financial blocks and release your money guilt and shame.      

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The Squeaky Wheel Gets a New Car: 3 Ways to Flex Your Consumer Power

The Squeaky Wheel… One of the first things that people notice about me when they first meet me is that I have a squeaky, high-pitched voice like Michel’le from back in the 90s. lol. And for a curvy black woman with long locs, it can be a bit of a head-trip for many strangers. Some

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