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How to Pay Down Credit Card Debt Quickly

I recently had an interview with a journalist from CNN about credit card debt. It inspired me to share all of my answers to his questions with you since they all weren’t included in the article.  Why is credit card debt so damaging? Credit card debt is damaging when you’re unable to repay the money

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How to Manifest the Life that You Really Want

A lot of us are walking around with an air of heaviness and hopelessness because we are not living the lives we really want or deserve. But getting to where you want in life may not be as difficult as it seems when you are ready to do what it takes to get there. If you

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5 Baby Steps to Eliminate Debt and Increase Your Financial Confidence

There is a reason why “debt” is a “four-letter” word. Debt is a curse and keeps you from living your life free of fear, worry, and frustration. The irony is that we run away from our financial problems because we want to avoid pain. Running away, however, only worsens the state of our finances, thus

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Debt or Your Life? Choose Life

One of the most haunting movies I’ve ever watched as a student of behavioral economics is The Joneses. The movie is based on the concept of stealth marketing, which is just that— an aspect of marketing in which the audience is not aware that they are being marketed to. In The Joneses, a marketing team

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How To Bounce Back From A Repossession

FREE QUIZ: Know Your Money Personality Many of my clients have dealt with a previous repossession and some of them are not sure how to bounce back from that. There are a few steps to follow and of course, you must have patience as many banks are not willing to give a second chance. I

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How Your Inability to Manage Your Calendar Affects Your Wallet and Your Weight

Recently I heard someone speak and they said that they manage their life according to their calendar. The speaker said that each day they evaluate where they are going, why they are going, and what will happen when they go. This individual asks all of these questions because they understand the importance of managing their

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10 Ways to Make More Money During the Holidays

The holidays are a time of fun and family, but the gift giving aspect can also make this time expensive. One of the main concerns individuals have around holiday time is not having enough money. If you haven’t already saved up to take care of the extra expenses then you may find yourself short of

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4 Ways to Protect Yourself From Nickel and Diming Your Way Into the Poorhouse

One of the interesting things that I see as a personal finance coach supporting black women regain control of their finances is that these women are in debt or have bad credit , not because they are poorly compensated and, as a result, have to resort to charging basic necessities on their credit cards, but

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Have Debt, Have No Savings? Do Make These 4 Money Moves to Help You Easily Live Below Your Means

I was speaking to a girlfriend that was looking for advice on how to manage her finances better. She was proud to share that she had no debt, but when it came to savings, she had none. Living Beyond Your Means I know for some, this is a hard concept to grasp. We usually hear

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Is a Financially Fit Man Hard to Find? Let’s Discuss! Part III

Happy Wednesday Frugal Feministas! Today we have the final installment of the Is a Financially Fit Man Hard to find? Let’s Discuss! Was Vanessa able to find a man on a good financial wavelength? Keep reading to find out! So, I’ve met someone new who caused me to notice he was different from my previous

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