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How The Coronavirus Forced Me To Rethink My Life Emotionally And Financially

If you would have told me that I’d be having to self-quarantine for the next couple of months because of the coronavirus, which would force me to revisit my approach to saving and spending, I would have told you to lay off the sci-fi binges on Netflix and drink some more water. But this is

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6 Ways to Prepare Your Business for Growth

For most small business owners, one of the biggest goals is to see consistent growth or success. Unfortunately, you’ve probably heard statistics before about 20-50% of small businesses failing in their first year. While information like that can be disheartening, that doesn’t mean your business or your passion will become just another statistic.  Are there

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How to Successfully Manage Your Personal Finances

Poor money management can land you in a mound of debt that can take years to repay. Staying on top of your personal finances is essential to living a comfortable future where you don’t need to worry about living paycheck to paycheck, paying off massive loans, or living a frugal life because you can’t afford

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How to Put Your Financial Knowledge to Good Use

Building up your knowledge of the financial world can take a lot of time and effort. This is why so many people are content to have a basic understanding and never really get to grips with all the things they could do with their finances. The world of money might be open for business but

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How to Manifest the Life that You Really Want

A lot of us are walking around with an air of heaviness and hopelessness because we are not living the lives we really want or deserve. But getting to where you want in life may not be as difficult as it seems when you are ready to do what it takes to get there. If you

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Why It Is Important for You to Treat Yourself Regularly

We all know how important it is to be physically and financially responsible. It’s the reason why you come to this site, to get tips and insight on how to be at your healthiest financially. A large part of being financially responsible is being able to identify when you are spending money on your “needs”

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Why Smart Black Girls Don’t Buy Books

  I love learning. And I would generally give myself a pass when I splurged on purchasing books because I rationalized that it was an affordable pathway to personal development.  While the logic is reasonable, I noticed a troubling trend with my book buying— my buying: reading ratio was completely out of whack. I would

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5 Baby Steps to Eliminate Debt and Increase Your Financial Confidence

There is a reason why “debt” is a “four-letter” word. Debt is a curse and keeps you from living your life free of fear, worry, and frustration. The irony is that we run away from our financial problems because we want to avoid pain. Running away, however, only worsens the state of our finances, thus

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3 Simple Ways To Make Clean and Healthy Living Possible and Cost Effective

Dr. Laurén Doamekpor I consider myself to be pretty healthy and health conscious. I try to stay clear of processed foods, I eat a good amount of veggies and fruits, drink water and work out regularly. But the other day, I realized that there is much more I could be doing to up my game

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Is Minimalism your cure for Clutter and Debt?

We all have our Kryptonite when it comes to impulse shopping and buying more than we need or even want. For me, as a self-proclaimed brown girl bibliophile introvert, I can’t pull myself from Amazon without spending at least $50. A sweet circuit of joy coursed through me when I come home and find those

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