
6 Tips To Keep Your Fresh Fruits and Vegetables From Spoiling and Wasting Your Money

In yesterday’s post about my tour of Walmart’s produce section, I mentioned that I was wasting money trying to eat healthily. Not because of the prices, per se. It was because many of the fruits and vegetables that I bought spoiled because I pussyfooted on eating them or cooking them. (side note: I thought pussyfoot was a

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Eating Healthily On a Budget: My Journey Continues with a Tour of Walmart’s Produce Section #WMTFresh

* I am a compensated member of the Walmart Fresh Crew. All opinions are my own.*Prior to joining the Walmart Fresh Crew, I had been struggling to balance my busy schedule: work, home, and my health. I had already lost about seven of the twelve pounds that I had wanted to lose, but realized that

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You Don’t Need to Find Your Purpose to Live Your Best Life

In the age of Oprah, it’s easy to get caught up in the myth that your personal raison d’etre, your very own reason for being alive it supposed to be some magnificent cause that should come to you in the booming voice of Oz. And if you don’t hear it, and therefore don’t know what

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Beneath Every Smile Lies The Truth: Recognize Coping Mechanisms That No Longer Serve You

I sat across from a handsome, young black man—who was only a few years younger than I—conducting an intake. This was the first step to admitting him into the drug and alcohol clinic where I had been employed. I began trying to figure him out from the first, “Hello,” as I thought, “You’re like 12,

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What Do You Know About Susu?: How Susu Trained A SisterGirl To Become a Goal Digger

by Natasha Gordon Let’s talk about the background on susu:  susu is a system of saving found throughout the Caribbean and coming from our roots in West Africa. It is form of cooperative economics. Susu is made up of groups of family members or friends, each of them agreeing to paying, or “throwing”, a specified amount of

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How Do You Show Yourself That You Love…YOU?

by Michelle Jackson I love blogging because you get to connect with some of the most passionate, thoughtful people. I connected with Michelle of The Shop My Closet Project via her comments on Fabulous  N’ Frugal. Her thoughts were so poignant and well written that I had to reach out. I now follow her blog.

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The Law of the Hammer: 5 Tips to Diversifying Your Knowledge Base

Doctors seeking to provide the best care possible to the ill that they serve—who have only exposed themselves to Western Medicine—only have tools to diagnose and medicines to address symptoms rather than to cure, if they fail to expose themselves to other ideologies of health and well being. Therapists trained only in Freudian concepts know

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So You Were Sure You Aced the Interview but You Didn’t Get the Job – Now What?

A friend and I were talking recently about her job search efforts. She had recently gone on an interview for a job she was well qualified for and was subsequently called back in for a follow-up interview. She was sure she would be offered the position, and confessed to being taken aback when the hiring

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7 Simple Ways To De-Stress on a Budget

by Laurén Doamekpor I know none of us are strangers to stress. As a PhD student, I have had more than my share of stress, both chronic and acute ranging from crazy deadlines, fears about the job market, being broke (like, really broke, for the past 4 years), concerns about doing everything well yet still

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Straight Talk: Real Women Are Frugal

My father always says that money doesn’t buy happiness, but it can take away sadness by alleviating the things that can cause us hardships.  Never has that rung more true for me than this summer. A string of unforeseeable (and one planned) events left me ever so grateful for the financial lessons I learned in

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