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Is Your Money Story Holding You Hostage, Like Mine Did?

I’ve always been a mama’s girl.  I always felt I had to protect her, even though I was the little one and she was the big one. Her hurt was my hurt. Her pain was my pain. So when my father up and abandoned his wife and 2.3 kids, I knew the only way to

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Should You Go Into Debt for an Out of Network Therapist?

It was the most expensive treatment I had ever undergone, but it was absolutely worth it.

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The 4 Ds to Sanity

This has been a rough week for me. I’ve been taking an intense class for work plus I had several business/social events that has left this introvert tired! As I came in late last night and got up early this morning I started thinking about what I need to do differently. And I was reminded of

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Transitioning to Fall Isn’t Just for your Wardrobe

Here in the Northeast of the U.S. fall fully here! The air is crisp and the leaves are changing into beautiful colors. Though this happens every year it is still a process of transitioning into a new phase. Whether you’re transitioning in a new school year, work assignment, or life phase transitions can be challenging

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Asking for Help makes you a Super Woman

Asking for help, espeically for us Superwomen, can be uncomfortable and unfamiliar. We’re so used to doing everything for everyone that we don’t even think of asking for help. And even when someone offers to help us we don’t always take them up on it. How many times have you been carrying packages and someone

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Word-for-Word Ways to Say No Like a Boss (Part 3)

Hey Feministas! In this final post about Saying No Like a Boss we’ll give you the juicy words to use to tell someone no and still be kind. Sometimes we go to the extreme of  saying no out of anger or with attitude or not saying anything and feeling like a doormat. Now there are definitely times

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How Do I Use Money As a Tool to Live My Juiciest Life? Here are Three Steps

Do you know of a woman that, despite not-so-great circumstances, keeps it positive and looks at the world through a lens of hope, faith, and overall positivity?  She has confidence, stays calm, and knows her purpose in life? Her light and energy are contagious and you just want to soak it all in? Then, you

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Make Self-Compassion a Priority

Now that we’re days into the New Year, those who set New Year’s Resolutions are in the thick of making their change. But before fully moving into the New Year, reviewing the past year – the good, bad, and ugly is necessary. Regardless of the ups and downs of 2015, how you understand them will directly

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Just because you think it, doesn’t mean you have to believe it!

Recently one of our consulting clients called me to ask a question about payment. My first thought was, “Oh no, I did something wrong!” In that moment I realized a pattern of defaulting to the thought that I made a mistake when it comes to money. In truth I have made mistakes in the past.

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Be Proactive: Create a Stress-Free Holiday Season

The upcoming holidays and obligations at this time of year causes a lot of stress for many people. Rather than get caught in the busyness and rush of the season follow these quick and easy tips for having a sane and balanced holiday season. Tip #1 – Spend time with people and activities that you enjoy.

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