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5 Steps to Change

As human beings we get fantastic ideas, have the energy and excitement to implement them only to find ourselves struggling a few weeks or even days later. And such is my journey to financial freedom that I’m sharing with you. Understanding the five Stages of Change has been helpful for me to have compassion for myself when

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Process of Change

Have you ever noticed how you are motivated to change, talk about change, begin to change, and then stop? Whether it’s saving money, losing weight, or cutting back on drinking when it comes to making lifestyle changes it’s hard! At the end of the summer I was ready to let go of and change some

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To-Don’t List for Peace of Mind

By Tonya Ladipo   We’re all too familiar with to-do lists. Supposedly they keep you organized and productive. The seemingly endless lists also adds the burden of anxiety and feeling overwhelmed that you’ll never complete what’s on your list. Rather than create another to-do list try making a to-don’t list. A to-don’t list is a

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Be Frugal With Your Time Just as You Would Be Frugal With Your Bank Account

I’ve often mentioned managing your time effectively, because time is the one thing that you cannot get back. This has been increasingly important for me because I have a ton of things on my plate and I am kind of Type A so I think that I can do everything. When you look at your

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A Reminder: “Pack light”

“…one day all them bags gone get in your way…so pack light” ~E. Badu   15 years ago I heard a song with a simple beat, meaningful lyrics and a message that will stay with me forever.  Listening to a neo-soul playlist recently, I heard that song again and was reminded why I love  the

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Catch It – Check It – Correct It: 3 Steps to Changing Self-Doubt

by Tonya Ladipo Have you ever noticed how easy it is to spend time and energy on something (or someone) that isn’t good for you? Whether it’s seeing the seemingly perfect lives of everyone on Facebook or spending time with someone who constantly complains and criticizes it’s easy to find yourself in a situation that leaves

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A Ride-or-Die Crew is Good Self-Care!

Hey Feminista Family! I want to introduce you to our newest contributing writer, Tonya Ladipo! She is the owner and director of The Ladipo Group, an organization that provides high-quality, professional counseling services. Give her a warm Feminista welcome in the comments below. – K   Nothing says self-care like surrounding yourself with people who

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4 Ways to Stay Positive When the Struggle is REAL!!

Life happens and it happens quickly. No matter how much we plan and prepare, we can never predict how things will end up. When it rains, it pours, and it may even flood!! Still, we have to put on our cute rain boots and look forward to the rainbow! When it feels like things are

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What do YOU say about mental illness?

Our mental health seriously affects our physical  health, so there should be absolutely no stigma around mental health, none at all~First Lady, Michelle Obama   Depression. Bipolar Disorder.  PTSD.  Schizophrenia.  Anxiety.  What do you think of when you hear any of these illnesses?  I remember the first time I heard the term schizophrenia.  I was

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Flawless?? If not here’s 3 things to do with your flaws!

One of the most difficult things for most people to do is talk about themselves. We don’t want to come across as obnoxious, by rattling off all of the great things about ourselves. But, we don’t want to admit the not so great things about ourselves either.  Have you ever had a job interview, or

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