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3 Ways 10,000 Brown Girls Can Heal Their Relationship with Money

In January, I gave myself the challenge of helping at least 10,000 brown girls heal their relationship with money by the end of the year. Gulp. Honestly, when this thought came to me I wanted to push it away because it seemed too big and too scary. But when my higher self (luckily) stepped in

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How I Became A Brown Girl Landlord Before 35: Part III

As you know by now, you don’t have to wait until you have grey hair to be a property owner and you also don’t have to be a millionaire to get started in the real estate game. In this three-part Young Landlords Series, we’re sharing the stories of three young women whose financial accomplishments in

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What If All Financial Advisors Were Women?

Now that I look back on my investment journey, I realize that it was not an easy road. In fact, it was bumpy and wrought with financial ignorance and financial failure. Here are my most distinct money memories: There was that time that I nearly lost all of my money to a shady “financial advisor”

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How I Became A Brown Girl Landlord Before 35: Part II

Young Landlord at-a-Glance Name: Denae Patterson Age at time of first property purchase: 24 Relationship Status: Single Current Age: 33 Years in the Real Estate Industry: 7 Real Estate Investment Strategy: Owner-occupy Primary properties of interest: multifamily homes Current City: New York City NY Location of properties: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Full-time or part-time pursuit of real estate: part-time Number of properties owned: 2 duplexes What made you

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9 Ways To Successfully Handle Debt Collectors

  Tiffany the Budgetnista is back with another helpful post! ( You can learn more about Tiffany and The Budgetnista here: thebudgetnista.com) I know, I know….Debt Collectors can seem reeeeally scary.  They’re these mysterious people who call you and demand payment whether you have it or not. They can even threaten you with credit destruction, wage garnishments

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6 Simple Steps to Save 50% of Your Income

My husband and I have always toyed with the idea of living off of fifty percent of our incomes— not necessarily because one of us wants to quit our job right now, (ummm…that’s really not true…so let me stop LOL) but because we are serious about wealth and understand that our daily decisions impact our

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4 Ways To Put Your Financial Needs First

Putting yourself first is probably the best thing that you can do for the longevity of your finances and your peace of mind. All of your dreams, passions, and short-term goals, no matter how big or small have a price tag. But in order to realize any of them, you have to get into the

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4 Ways to Combat the “I’m Rich on Payday” Feeling

Have you ever looked at your bank account on payday and felt like you were rich? Did the increase in your account start to make you excited and anxious? Did that money start to burn a hole in your pocket and you just had to spend it to treat yourself for working hard over the

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4 No Brainer Ways to Avoid More Debt During the Holidays

Over 80% of Americans have debt: mortgages, car loans, credit card loans etc. You likely fall in that number and you likely want to pay off your debt. Whether you’re the type of person who is really good about making sure you pay more than the minimum payment every month or you’re struggling to do

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Setting SMART Goals

One of the primary reasons people don’t stick to goals is that the goals are not appropriate or realistic.  Often, when we decide to do something, we set lofty goals without defining specific milestones and eventually we give up because we get discouraged with our lack of progress towards the end result.  We may not

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