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New Strategies To Make Your Daily Routine A Little Healthier

Healthiness is determined by so many factors, so nobody can lead a perfectly healthy life. Still, that’s fine, because your goal should simply be to lead a balanced life. You just need to create a daily routine that keeps you in physical and mental shape. This doesn’t have to be as complex as it might

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Don’t Let These Things Write The Story Of Your Life: How To Help Yourself

We can all get stuck in a rut in our daily lives from time to time. That extra glass of wine is far too tempting. That hamburger and fries are just calling your name. But the more we continue to do that, the more our lifestyle is going in the opposite direction of being healthy.

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Why It Is Important for You to Treat Yourself Regularly

We all know how important it is to be physically and financially responsible. It’s the reason why you come to this site, to get tips and insight on how to be at your healthiest financially. A large part of being financially responsible is being able to identify when you are spending money on your “needs”

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My Best Move A step back!! Here’s Why

~Jennifer Ritchie Payette, co-author, “Modular Career Design” I had a nice apartment on the good side of town.  I had just gotten a new(er) car.  I was able to fit new shoes or an outfit into my monthly budget.  I made happy hour or eating out a part of my budget, and maintain a decent

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Why Smart Black Girls Don’t Buy Books

  I love learning. And I would generally give myself a pass when I splurged on purchasing books because I rationalized that it was an affordable pathway to personal development.  While the logic is reasonable, I noticed a troubling trend with my book buying— my buying: reading ratio was completely out of whack. I would

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7 Inexpensive Self-Care Tips When Dealing with Stressful Finances

My girl, Tonya from My Fab Finance,  is here with some MUCH needed tips on how to show ourselves some self-love when on a strict budget. Enjoy. –by Tonya Rapley. Financial stresses not only affect your well-being, they can negatively affect relationships, job performance, and pretty much rule your life if you let them. When

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3 Simple Ways To Make Clean and Healthy Living Possible and Cost Effective

Dr. Laurén Doamekpor I consider myself to be pretty healthy and health conscious. I try to stay clear of processed foods, I eat a good amount of veggies and fruits, drink water and work out regularly. But the other day, I realized that there is much more I could be doing to up my game

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Is Minimalism your cure for Clutter and Debt?

We all have our Kryptonite when it comes to impulse shopping and buying more than we need or even want. For me, as a self-proclaimed brown girl bibliophile introvert, I can’t pull myself from Amazon without spending at least $50. A sweet circuit of joy coursed through me when I come home and find those

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Should You Go Into Debt for an Out of Network Therapist?

It was the most expensive treatment I had ever undergone, but it was absolutely worth it.

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Transitioning to Fall Isn’t Just for your Wardrobe

Here in the Northeast of the U.S. fall fully here! The air is crisp and the leaves are changing into beautiful colors. Though this happens every year it is still a process of transitioning into a new phase. Whether you’re transitioning in a new school year, work assignment, or life phase transitions can be challenging

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