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How I Became A Brown Girl Landlord Before 35: Part III

As you know by now, you don’t have to wait until you have grey hair to be a property owner and you also don’t have to be a millionaire to get started in the real estate game. In this three-part Young Landlords Series, we’re sharing the stories of three young women whose financial accomplishments in

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What If All Financial Advisors Were Women?

Now that I look back on my investment journey, I realize that it was not an easy road. In fact, it was bumpy and wrought with financial ignorance and financial failure. Here are my most distinct money memories: There was that time that I nearly lost all of my money to a shady “financial advisor”

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How I Became A Brown Girl Landlord Before 35: Part II

Young Landlord at-a-Glance Name: Denae Patterson Age at time of first property purchase: 24 Relationship Status: Single Current Age: 33 Years in the Real Estate Industry: 7 Real Estate Investment Strategy: Owner-occupy Primary properties of interest: multifamily homes Current City: New York City NY Location of properties: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Full-time or part-time pursuit of real estate: part-time Number of properties owned: 2 duplexes What made you

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3 Ways to Know That Your Finances Are Really Improving

Personal finance management isn’t widely taught through the education system in our society. According to the Council for Economic Education only 14 states require high schools to offer a personal finance course for students. Offered is of course different from mandatory, so who knows how many students actually take advantage. Some colleges offer personal finance courses,

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Your Why Is More Important Than Money

Imagine you’ve been working very hard on a project or business in order to make a difference and earn more money (professionals stick with me, the lesson is for you too). You’ve put in years of work, blood, sweat, and tears. You just made a move that has made you millions and will continue to

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Many people look at new year’s resolutions as a good thing. They make vows to get healthy, save more money, spend less money, give up vices or bad habits and more. Do these all sound great to you? Most people would say yes. However, all of the above are bad resolutions. Why do you ask?

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6 Quick & Effective Personal Finance Tips on Managing Money and Reducing Debt

Glinda Bridgforth is a best-selling author and financial expert. She conducted a seminar sponsored by Toyota Financial Services where she gave financial fuel tips, quick tips about managing money and reducing debt. I picked some key tips to share with you and include my own tidbits for each. Tip 1: Don’t take payroll advances from

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How Black Women Can Use a Frugal Mindset To Win the Wealth Game

Money management requires some discipline. Personal finance is 80% behavior and 20% knowledge, so that behavior needs to include some discipline about spending, saving and tracking your money. This normally includes developing a touch of frugality. Don’t immediately think miserly ways, think ability to make sound economic decisions about money. Think luxury in frugal living,

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3 Tidbits All Women Must Know About Money to Build Wealth

As women, we need to understand and internalize the basics of investing and building wealth.  Here a few choice tidbits to help you understand finances and build wealth, so you can feel empowered and informed! Tidbit #1 Relatively little can yield big results Investing is about compound interest and staying in it for the long

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