
How I Paid Off My Graduate Debt

I became a teacher because of my passion for social justice. I wanted to give girls and boys that looked like me a chance to feel the love and support from someone that they could culturally relate to. I also wanted to give them the critical thinking tools to make them feel like they could

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How Meditation Can Help You Manage Your Money

It can help you to Decrease Your Spending  Do you sometimes wonder where all your money goes? Many of us do, and partly because of the world we live in, there are so many appealing subscription services, for instance. Regular meditation practice will help you become more conscious of what you actually need and will

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How to Pay Down Credit Card Debt Quickly

I recently had an interview with a journalist from CNN about credit card debt. It inspired me to share all of my answers to his questions with you since they all weren’t included in the article.  Why is credit card debt so damaging? Credit card debt is damaging when you’re unable to repay the money

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The Various Ways In Which Business Competition Can Manifest

When you think of business competition, what thoughts and feelings come to mind? Often, we regard competition in the most concrete of terms. This is usually the right way to think about it. For instance, what market share do our competitors hold in our local scene? How busy might a rival restaurant be on a

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9 Free Ways to Encourage Self-love & Confidence in Our Children

“All children should be taught to unconditionally accept, approve, admire, appreciate, forgive, trust, and ultimately, love their own person.” ~Asa Don Brown TIME recently ran a story about the increase in suicides among Black children.  A study revealed that the suicide rate among black children increased from 2.54 per one million to 1.36 per million.

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5 Baby Steps to Eliminate Debt and Increase Your Financial Confidence

There is a reason why “debt” is a “four-letter” word. Debt is a curse and keeps you from living your life free of fear, worry, and frustration. The irony is that we run away from our financial problems because we want to avoid pain. Running away, however, only worsens the state of our finances, thus

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3 Ways 10,000 Brown Girls Can Heal Their Relationship with Money

In January, I gave myself the challenge of helping at least 10,000 brown girls heal their relationship with money by the end of the year. Gulp. Honestly, when this thought came to me I wanted to push it away because it seemed too big and too scary. But when my higher self (luckily) stepped in

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How I Became A Brown Girl Landlord Before 35: Part III

As you know by now, you don’t have to wait until you have grey hair to be a property owner and you also don’t have to be a millionaire to get started in the real estate game. In this three-part Young Landlords Series, we’re sharing the stories of three young women whose financial accomplishments in

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What If All Financial Advisors Were Women?

Now that I look back on my investment journey, I realize that it was not an easy road. In fact, it was bumpy and wrought with financial ignorance and financial failure. Here are my most distinct money memories: There was that time that I nearly lost all of my money to a shady “financial advisor”

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How I Became A Brown Girl Landlord Before 35: Part II

Young Landlord at-a-Glance Name: Denae Patterson Age at time of first property purchase: 24 Relationship Status: Single Current Age: 33 Years in the Real Estate Industry: 7 Real Estate Investment Strategy: Owner-occupy Primary properties of interest: multifamily homes Current City: New York City NY Location of properties: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Full-time or part-time pursuit of real estate: part-time Number of properties owned: 2 duplexes What made you

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