
3 Tips To Consider Before You Quit Your 9-To-5 To Pursue Your Passion Full-Time

When I decided to leave my job to pursue my side-hustle full-time, I was equal parts excited and frightened. I was excited because I actually had a chance to pursue something I was extremely passionate about. I was frightened because my job allowed for financial security and a level of predictability I enjoyed. Quitting meant

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The Superpower of Asking “Why”

The Superpower of Asking “Why”   There’s always a reason for everything you do. There’s always a root and a “why” waiting for you to uncover it.  And sometimes the reasons that you give yourself are just the beginnings of the journey. And those answers lead to other “whys” and different “whys” and new answers.

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3 Simple Ways To Make Clean and Healthy Living Possible and Cost Effective

Dr. Laurén Doamekpor I consider myself to be pretty healthy and health conscious. I try to stay clear of processed foods, I eat a good amount of veggies and fruits, drink water and work out regularly. But the other day, I realized that there is much more I could be doing to up my game

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Is Minimalism your cure for Clutter and Debt?

We all have our Kryptonite when it comes to impulse shopping and buying more than we need or even want. For me, as a self-proclaimed brown girl bibliophile introvert, I can’t pull myself from Amazon without spending at least $50. A sweet circuit of joy coursed through me when I come home and find those

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The 4 Ds to Sanity

This has been a rough week for me. I’ve been taking an intense class for work plus I had several business/social events that has left this introvert tired! As I came in late last night and got up early this morning I started thinking about what I need to do differently. And I was reminded of

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Asking for Help makes you a Super Woman

Asking for help, espeically for us Superwomen, can be uncomfortable and unfamiliar. We’re so used to doing everything for everyone that we don’t even think of asking for help. And even when someone offers to help us we don’t always take them up on it. How many times have you been carrying packages and someone

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4 Must Ask Questions to Saying No (Part 2 in series)

Hi Feministas! Were continuing our three-part series on Saying No Like a Boss. Acknowledge was the first step. Did you acknowledge all of the times that you wanted to say no? Was it surprising how often you wanted to say no to someone or something? Or did you notice that the desire to say no

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Saying No Like A Boss

In light of Women’s Month (well really Women’s History month but modern day women are just as important!) we’re bringing you a three-part series: Saying No Like A Boss As women we get so tripped up in being nice that we don’t consider our own needs. We give automatic yeses to situations that require nos.

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Live Your Life on Purpose

Last summer I sat at the beach fantasizing about my ideal life and one thing that rose to the surface was my desire to have mini solo retreats at the beach throughout the year. Just a few days to myself with warmth, sunshine, and the ocean. “Maybe next year (that would be this year)” “Or

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Move Forward or Stand Still?

With January coming to an end, how focused are you still on those New Year’s Resolutions? If you are like most people, some of the excitement and energy for achieving those goals has waned. Now is the perfect time to re-evaluate those goals. Ask yourself: Is this goal important to my life now? Is this goal

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