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9 Free Ways to Encourage Self-love & Confidence in Our Children

“All children should be taught to unconditionally accept, approve, admire, appreciate, forgive, trust, and ultimately, love their own person.” ~Asa Don Brown TIME recently ran a story about the increase in suicides among Black children.  A study revealed that the suicide rate among black children increased from 2.54 per one million to 1.36 per million.

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Why It Is Important for You to Treat Yourself Regularly

We all know how important it is to be physically and financially responsible. It’s the reason why you come to this site, to get tips and insight on how to be at your healthiest financially. A large part of being financially responsible is being able to identify when you are spending money on your “needs”

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My Best Move A step back!! Here’s Why

~Jennifer Ritchie Payette, co-author, “Modular Career Design” I had a nice apartment on the good side of town.  I had just gotten a new(er) car.  I was able to fit new shoes or an outfit into my monthly budget.  I made happy hour or eating out a part of my budget, and maintain a decent

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Your Mondays Can be Fridays: 4 Must-do’s to Own Your Peace At Work

I don’t want to hear it!  We can spend hours in conversation with our friends, moms, sisters, boyfriends, husbands, whoever has a listening ear giving them the pre-text, text, and post-text of “how crazy today was”. We can discuss why Sally couldn’t “do it herself” or why is it that “I’m being called every time…”

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Four Ways to Handle Extreme Stress with Grace

by Christina Lattimore “There’s going to be stress in life, but it’s your choice whether to let it affect you or not.”  Valerie Bertinelli Stress increases the risk of a heart attack by 25%. Stress increases the risk of heart disease by 40% Stress increases the risk of a stroke by 50% 1 in 5 Americans experience “Extreme Stress” and the symptoms include

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Four Free Sources for Self-Improvement That Every Black Girl Needs

Christina Lattimore “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…” ― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go! Everywhere we look we are bombarded with

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7 Inexpensive Self-Care Tips When Dealing with Stressful Finances

My girl, Tonya from My Fab Finance,  is here with some MUCH needed tips on how to show ourselves some self-love when on a strict budget. Enjoy. –by Tonya Rapley. Financial stresses not only affect your well-being, they can negatively affect relationships, job performance, and pretty much rule your life if you let them. When

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3 Simple Ways To Make Clean and Healthy Living Possible and Cost Effective

Dr. Laurén Doamekpor I consider myself to be pretty healthy and health conscious. I try to stay clear of processed foods, I eat a good amount of veggies and fruits, drink water and work out regularly. But the other day, I realized that there is much more I could be doing to up my game

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3 Ways 10,000 Brown Girls Can Heal Their Relationship with Money

In January, I gave myself the challenge of helping at least 10,000 brown girls heal their relationship with money by the end of the year. Gulp. Honestly, when this thought came to me I wanted to push it away because it seemed too big and too scary. But when my higher self (luckily) stepped in

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Are You Using Self-Care as an Excuse to Splurge?

Earlier last month, I was on my couch feeling a little overwhelmed with life. Before I knew it, I was on Groupon with credit card in hand rationalizing the purchase of a chocolate mask facial, a teeth whitening session, and a 60-minute body scrub with exotic oils. Within a matter of minutes and a few

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